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Show The Hijlory of p L A N T S. 2 • Va!eriana jloribus . monandris caudatis, foliis lanceolatis integerrimis. ll\e'O <!ltt·.:: The whole lanceolated-leaved 17alerian, with caudated flow- ll~t£'-ln. . ers, with jingle )lamina. The root of this fpecies is oblong, and of the thicknefs ?f a I?an's finger, white d h d The lant grows to a foot and half, or more, m he1ght: the fialks are an ar fi. 1 t P of a bluilb green, and frequently jointed and hollow. The leaves round! uc~o en ,h . . th are broad at the bafe where they embrace the fialk, ftand m paJrS at t e JOmts ; ey . , d bl ·a . l . d h r. 11 r to the extremity of a flatulb texture, an 01 1-green co ou1, an t ence go 1ma e ' ft d · 1 1 {l they are of a fine and ufually even at the edges. The flowers an m arge c u. ers _; . fcarlet colour and each adheres to a long peduncle : the feed IS wmged with ~own .. This f1 eci~s is a native of Italy, German~, and o~~er parts of Europe; with u~ It · p · d d often propagates ttfelf by 1t s feed on the walls. C. Bauhme IS common m gar ens, an . . p k' r. y 1 · 11 ca s I· t, v a1 e 1.1· ana ru b ra. J· Bauhine , Valeriana laufoha rubra. ar 11110n, a enana rubra Dodonrei. 3 . Valeriana .ftoribus triandris, caule dichotomo, foliis linearibus. The linear-leaved and dichotomous Valerian, with three .ftamina. The root of this fpecies is fma~l and ob.long, and at the end is fu_rnilbed with many .fib The plant rifes to fix wches h1gh; the ftalks are angulated, fiend er, of a el~~~Hh-grecn, and diffu{e: the ramifications always going off two ?Y two. The leaves Jland in pairs on the ftalks ; they are about three. quarters of an mch long, and a third of an inch, or more, in breadth; they are thm,. ~nd of a pale green. The flowers fiand in little tufts or clufters ; about the extrenuues of the ftalks, they are w hitia1 and [mall. . . . . This fpecies is very common with us in corn-fields, and 1s cu.lttvated ~omeume.s m gardens, as .a fallad, under the name of Lamb's Lettice. C .. Bauhm_e .calls 1t, Valena~a campefiris, inodora, major. J. Bauhine, Locufia herb.a pnor. R1ymus~ Locu!l:a minor ; and Gerard, Laetuca agnina. The leaves of th1s plant are fometimes fer~ated, and from this variety is made a new fpecies by ~ut~10rs, under th.e nan:e of Valenanella prrecox foliis ferratis. It's other common vanet1es have alfo given nfe to fome ~ther imaginary fpecies. . The other more iingular f pecies of':' alerian ar.e, I. T~e Pyre~~an, cacalta-leaved Va-lerian. 2. The creeping-rooted Alpme Valenan, With und1v~ded lea.ves. 3· The fcrophularia-leaved Valerian. 4· The :oundilJ:-.leaved, m?untam Valenan. 5· The tuberous-rooted Valerian. 6. The Celuc Valenan, or Celtic Nard. 7· The narro~leaved, red Valerian. 8. The great water Valerian. 9· The wild Valerian, ~Ith hairy leaves. 10. The fmall water Valerian. 11. The calcitropa-leaved Valenan. 12. The broad-leaved, annual Valerian. The Valerians are, moft of them, good cephalics ; the ninth fpecies is on~ o~ the bell: nervous fimples the whole materia medica furni{hes us with. The root 1s given, in powder, in convulfions, head-achs, and all nervous complaints, with fucce fs. C N E 0 RUM. T HE caly~ of the Cneorum is a fmall permanent perianthium, compofed of one leaf, and divided into five iliort fegments at the edges. The corolla confiil: s of three oblong petals, of a linear, but fomewhat lanceolated, lbape : they are concave, erect, and deciduous. The fiamina are three fubulated filaments, {horter than the corolla; the anche~re are frnall. The germen of the piilil is obtufe and tr~l9- bous : the fiyle is ereCt, firm, and of the length of the fl:amina; the ftigma is tnfid and patent. The fruit is a dry berry, of a globofe, but fomewhat trilobous, figu re, and contains three cells, in each of which is a fingle round feed. This genus takes in the chamela-a of Tournefort. There is but one known fpecies of it. . CNEORVM• 'Ibe Hifiory of P L A N T S. 181 C N E 0 RUM. ttl' The root of t~is little fhrub is hard and woody, oblong, divided into feveral branches, and furniilied with a multitude of fibres. The trunk is woody, half an inch in diameter, and covered with a fmooth brown bark. It divides into_ many branches, and thofe fend out others fmaller and fhorter, and on thefe ftand the leaves, which are oblong and broad, obtufe at the points, and of a deep green colour : th~ flowers are fmall and yellow. This plant is a native of Spain, Italy, and fame parts of France. It grqws _in q~any parts of Germany, alfo in dry, expofed places. We ~ave it in our ,green-houfes. C. Bauhine and others call it, Chamrelrea tricoccos. Dodonreus, fimply, Chamrelrea. All the parts of this fhrub are violently emetic and cathartic, when taken internally. In France they ~re given in dropfies, but fuch violent medicines are better negleeled. HI R TELL A. T HE calyx of the Hirtella is a petianthiutn, · confifting ot a :lingle leaf, divided into five fegments of a fomewhat oval form, reflex, equal in fize, and permanent. The corolla confifis of :five regular petals; they are roundifh and hollow; it is fmaller than the cup, and deciduous. The ftamina are three, fetaceous, very long, and fomewhat flatted filaments ; they are permanent, and, toward the ripening of the feed, are twifted fpirally: the antherre are orbicular. The germen of the piftil is roundilb, comprefi'ed, declinatory, and hairy : the ftyle is :filiform, and is nearly of the length of the ftamina, and takes it's origin from the deprefi'ed fide of the germen; the ftigma is fimple. The fruit is a berry of a kind of oval .figure, broadeft at the top, a little comprefi'ed, and obfcurely trigonal. The germen and the' .fiyle adhere to it's bafe : the feed is fingle, and of the figure of .the fruit. Of this genus there is but one known fpecies, which is fufficiently difiingui!hablc by thefe charaCters. I 0 LA X. · THE calyx is a fmall, permanent perianthium, compofed of a fingle leaf, and undivided at the edge : the corolla confifts of a fingle petal, and is of the infundibuliform kind, and divided into three fegments at the edge. The ftamina are three; the fiyle fingle; and the neetarium is compofed of four leaves. There is only one known fpecies of it, which is fu.fficiently diftinguilbable by thefe charaCters, nor needs any farther defcription. T A M A R I N D U S. , r T H E c~lyx of the Ta~arindus is a plane perianthium, compofed of f~mr leaves, equal m fize, and of an o~al figure. The corolla confifts of three petals of an 0val figure, equal, flat, plicated, ,patent,. 'fmaUer than ' the leaves of the cup, and inferted into them : the lower fegment being left without one. The ftamina are three filaments placed together in the empty finus of the cup ; they are of a fubulated ~g?r~, and bent tow~r?s the corolla. :The antherre are fimpl~: the germen of the pifi1l1s oval.; ~he ftyle IS fubulated, and· bent towards the fiamma : the fiigma is fimple : the frmt IS an oblong legume compreffed; formed of a double bark, with a pulpy matter between; it contains only one cell, ·in which there are three angulated compreffed feeds. 1 There is only one known fpecies of this genus, which is the tree that produces the officinal Tamarinds. Tamarindus. . I The Ta#tarind-tree.' The root of the Tamarind-tree is large and brachiated, the arms fpreading every way, and penetrating deep. The tree rifes to the height of our walnut-trees, and is A a a very |