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Show The Hiflory of P L A N T S. It is a native of Spain ; it grows only on barren, hilly places. C. Bauhine calls it , Ammoides ; Crefalpinus, Ammi pufillum. · c 1 i I r BUNIUM . . T HE general umbel is multiple, but has fewer .than twent~ radii: the partial umbel is very fhort, but thick fet : the general mvolucrum IS formed of many leaves linear and lhort; the partial involucrum is fimilar, but of t~e l~ngth of the umbei: the proper perianthium is fcarce vifible: the general c.orolla IS umform.. The fingle flowers confifi: of each five inflexo-cordate petals, equal m fize : the fifmlna are five fimple filament~, thorter than the flower: th~ antherre are fimpl~; the ge~~en is oblong, and fiands below the p~oper cup : t~e .fiy1es are tw~, ~nd r~flex ; the fitgmata are obtufe: there is no pericarpmm: the frmt IS oval, and divtfible mto two parts: the feeds are two, and oval, convex on one fide, and plane on the other. This genus comprehends the Bulbocafiacum of Tournefort. . .. I '1, 1. Bunium foliis injerioribus pinnatis, pinnis lirzeari- · · lanceolatis. The Bunium, with the low~r leaves pinnated, the pinnte , of a lineari-lanceolate figure. I <!tonunon f!fatt b JF2ut. The root is tuber~ms, of the fize of a fmalt walnut, brown on the furface, and white within ; it lies at a confiderable depth. T he radical leaves are pinnated, three inches long, and two and a half broad in the whole; the p~n~re are narrow,. oblong, ~nd pointed at the ends. The ll:alk is round, fmooth, and divided, toward the top, mto two or three branches; it's leaves fiand fingly, and are much finer than thofe.of the root : the umbels £\:and at the tops 0f the \:?ranches ; they are fmall, and the flowers are frnall and white. It is common with us in paftures, and it's ·root is efculent. A'ut4ors have divided it into two fpecies, from it's being fometimes larger, fometimes fmaller ; but thefe arc only varieties, the plant the fame; they call it, in thefe two ftates, Bulbocaftacum rn ajus, and Bulbacoftacum minus. 2. Bunium foliis omnibus pinnatis, pimzis linearibus ob- . longis, umbel/is . majuftulis. ' Tbe Bunium, with oil the leaves pinnated, the pinna: linear and oblong, the umbels large . . ll5tt lbou~ <tuuuntn. The root is tuberous, of the fize of a large putmeg, ,black on the outfide, white within: the radical leaves ftand• on pedicles of two inc.hes long, reddi!h and flendcr; they are divided into a multitude of oblong and narrow fegments, of a. deep green colour. The ll:alk is round, branched at the top, and about eight inches high; it's leaves fiand fingly, and are like the radical one,s, but fmaller. The umbels are mode· rately large, the flowers white. , It is a native of the mountains in Germany: Tour-nefort calls it, Bulbocaftacum mi· nus faxatile peucedani folio ; Columna, Cyrinicum bulbofu.m. The other fpecies are, 1. The broad-leaved, Alpine Bunium. 2. T he narrow and lhort-fegmented Bunium. CONIUM. ·T HE general umbel is compofed of a-number of patent radii; the partial umbel is. firi?ilar : the ge!'leral ~nvolucrum is very ili?rt, ~nd compofed of feveral leaves; the partial mvolucrum IS fim1lar: the proper penanthmm is fcarce difcernible : the general corolla is uniform : the fingle flowers confift each of five inflexo-cordated feg· ~ents, unequal in fize : the ftamina are five fimple filaments; the antherre are round· tf?; the germen fiands belo.w the p:rianthium : the fiyles are two, and reflex; t~e fi.1gmat~ are obtufe: there IS no pencarpium : the fruit is roundiili, ll:riated, and d1· vtfible mto two parts: the feeds are two, convex, and nearly hc:emifpberical on one fide, w~ere they are firiated 1 and plane on the other. Of this genus there is only one known fpecies, the. Cicuta of authors. CoN I u M. The Hijlory of P L A N T S. C 0 N I U M. ~tnt lock. The root is large, oblong, and white, often a foot in length, and of the thicknefs of a moderate. parfnep, of a fungous fubfiance, and ll:rong fmell, but of an agreeable tafie ; the radtcalleaves are very large, a .foot and a half long, and as much in diameter at the bafe; they are compofed of a multitude of fhort, ferrated, broad pinnre, of a dark green col~ur, and bad fi?ell. . T.he fl:alk is round, fmooth, jointed, and branched at the top ; 1t grows to an mch m dtameter at the bafe, and to five feet high · it is ufually variegated in a beautifu.l manner ~ith purple fpots, on a dark green ground: the leaves ftand fingly, and are hke the radical ones, but fmaller: the umbels fiand on the tops of th~ branches; . they are very 'large ; the flowers are moderately large, and white. . It IS common m our hedges: C. B~u~ine calls it, Cicuta major ; Lobel, Cicuta ; Lmnreus and Van Royen, Comum femimbus firiatis. · ~t is poifonous taken internally, but it is u~ed in plaifiers, and other external applica! wns. The oth~r plants, erroneoufly defcnbed under the fame generical name with thts by authors, w1ll be found here under the genera of Ligufiicum, Cicuta, &c. S E L IN U M. T HE general. umbel is m~ltiple, a'nd plano-patent; the partial umbel is fimilar : the gene.ral mvo:ucrur:n IS compofed of a number of lanceolated, linear, reflex lea~es; ~he partial one. IS fimiiar, patent, and of.the l~ngth of the corolla: the proper penanthta are fcarce v~fible : the general corolla IS umform: the fingle flowers confift each of five unequal,. mflexo-cordate p~tals : the ll:amina are five capillary filaments; the antherre are roundtili ; t~e germen IS placed belO\~ the proper receptacle: the fiyles are t~o,. and reflex ; the fit~mata are fimple : there IS no pericarpium : the fruit is of an elll.pttco-oblong, comprefio-plane figure, . firiated each way in the middle, and feparable m~o tw? parts: .the feeds are two, .of an oblong, elliptic figure, plane on each fide, finated m the ~uddle, and edged with membranaceous rims at the fides. This genus comprehends the Oreofelinum and Thyffelinum of Tournefort and the Cervaria of Rivinus. ' I. Selinum palujlr_e levijjime laElifcens radice unica. The marjh Selinum, lightly milky, and with a jingle root. The root !s fingle, oblong,, and moderately large, of a brownifh colour, and difa~ reeable, a~nd tafie: the radical leaves fl:and on long pedicles; they are large, divided ~nto a mu~ti:ude of oblong, narrow fegments, and of a dark green colour: the fialk IS round, JOlllted, branched at the top, and grows to five feet high · the leaves .fiand ~ngly on it, and are .like the radical ones, b~t ~mailer: the umbels are"Iarge and fpre,admg, the flow~rs white. The whole plant IS hghtly laetefcent, or, on being cut, yields a fm~ll quantlty.of a fomewhat milky juice. .It IS frequent m marfhy places, in moft parts of Europe. Tournefort calls it, Thyffelmum palufire ; C. Bauhine, Sefeli palufire laCI:efcens. 2. Seli~um pinn~s ad ang~los obtu.(Os pinnatis, pirmulis incijis, non firratis. The Sel11zum, wtth the ptnnce ptnnated at obtuje angles, the pinnules la-ciniated, not Jerrated. The root is very large, oblong, and furniil1ed with fibres at the head . it is often a foot lo.ng, and .o~ the t?ickn~fs of~ child's wrift, white, of an acrid taft;, and, when cut, yie l ~s a v lfc1d~ milky hqu.or m ~lenty: the radical leaves_ are very large, formed of a multitud: ~f pmnre, beaut1fully difpofed, and of an oval figure, but pointed at the ends,_ and lacm!ated at the edges. The fialk is round, jointed, branched at the top and tour feet h1gh; the leaves fiand alternately on it, and are like the radical ones bu; fmall~r: the umbels are large, the flowers white. ' . It IS fr~quent on the mountains in Germany. Clufius calls it, Oreofelinum; C. Bauhme, Apmm montanum folio ampliore. 4p 3· Selinum |