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Show • 27s The Hijlory of P LA N T S. tufely trilobous capfule, compofed of three valves, and containing three cells. The feeds are numerous and very frhall. Tfiis genus comprehends the Trachelium of Tournefort.; bu~ the p~ants, commonly called Trachelia by others, are Campanulre, already defcnbed m their places. 1 • 7rachelium foliis ovatis ferratis, caule umbel/a termi?Zato. The oval, ferrated-leaved Trachelium, with umbellated jlowe1·s. The root is compofed of a number of large fibres, thick, and full of a milky juice. The radical leaves fiand on moderately long pedicles ; they are ~fan oval figure, _ferrated round the edges, and of a deep green colour : the fialk nfes to two feet h1gh, and fends out a great number of branches: the leaves are oval, but fomewhat narrower than the radical ones, ferrated at the edges, an~ placed. very 7Iofe: the .flowers are moderately large, and of a fine purple, and are d1fpoied m a kmd of umbels at the tops. of the fialks. . . . n is a native of Italy, and IS kept lh fame of our ~ar~ens. -rou~nefort calls lt, Tra ... chelima azureum umbelliferum; C. Bauhine, Cerv1cana v~lenan01des creru lea. 2. 7r:acheli>u:m folio Iongo laciniato, jloribus glomeratis. The long, laciniated-leaved Trachelium, with glomerated flowers. ' The root is compofed of a number o~ large fibres, and .full of a milky juice. T he radical leaves are very long; they have no pcdicles, and are cut I.n deeply at the edges : the fialk is round, firiated, and hollow ; it grows to four feet h1gh : the leaves are oblong and broad, deeply cut in at the edges, and affixed to the fial~ by a broad bafe. At the top fiands a clufrer of moderate~y large, an.d very l~ng, white .flowers. . . It is a native of North Amenca. Plumier calls It, Trachehum Amencanum fonch1 folio, flare albo longiffimo. The other fp'ecies are, r. The laciniated-leaved, violet-coloured, umbelliferous Trachelibm, 2. The hairy Trachelium, with clufiers of flowers from the alre of the leaves. 3· The little clufier-flowered Trachelium . . 4· The little Trachelium, with flowers growing all along the fialks. This is an African. S A M 0 L U S. T HE calyx is a perianthium, obtufe at the bafe, and divided into five narrow, ereCt, and permanent fegments : the corolla confifi:s ·of a fingle petal; the tube is very 1bort, only of the length of the cup, and patulous : the limb is plane, and divided into five fegments, and there are placed five connivent fquammul~ at the bafe of the fin us of the limb: the tfiamina are five 1bort filaments, each placed under one of the fquammulre of the corolla: the antherre are connivent and covered : the germen is placed below the receptacle : the fiyle is filiform, and of the length of the fiamina; the fiigma is fimple ; the fruit is an oval capfule, furround ed by the cup, .and containing only one cell. The feeds are numerous, oval, and fmall. Of this genus there is only one known fpecies. SA M 0 L U S. The root is compofed of a number of moderately thick, white fibres. The radical leaves are two inches long, and more than an inch broad : they a ·e narrow at the bafe, an.d thence gradually extend in breadth, terminating in a rounded extremity; they are thtck, fmooth, of a pale green colour, and not ferrated about the edges : the fialk is eight, or more, inches in height, round, of a pale green colour, and tolerably firm : the ·lea~es fiand a1terna.tely on it) at fome confiderable difi:ance: they are iliottet than the r~dtcal ones, .r~undif? -and affixed by the bafe, without :my pedicle: the fialk is, toward the top, divided mto feveral 1bort branches ; the flowers are fmall and white; they ftand fingly on pedicles of half an inch long each, and ·are not placed very near one another. . This is ~ native .of England, and is not unfi·equent in watery places. C. Bauhine calls It) Anagalhs aquattca rotundifolia non crenata; J. Bauhine, Samolus Valerandi. · R ONDE-The Hi}lory of P L A N 'r ~ R 0 N 0 E L E T I A.· J tr HE calyx is' a p.er~an~nt perian~hium, formed of a fing~e leaf, divided into five acute fegments, and placed on the germen : the corolla confifts of a fi.ngle petal; and is of the infundibuliform kind : the tube is <;ylindric, and longer than the cup, and ventricofe at the top: the limb is divided into, , fivsr roundifh fegf:ll~nts, which bend backwards: the ftamina are five fubulated filamel)ts, nearly of the length of the corolla: the anthe,rre are fimpJe, the germen is roundHh, a\1d placed below the receptacle of the flower: the ftyle is filiform, and of the length of the fiamina: the fiigma is obtufe. The fi·uit is a roundilh, coronated capfule, containing two cells ; the feeds are numerous and fmall. This genus com prebends the Rondeletia and the Cbomelia of Linn reus : the ,charac..; ters of both are the fame, and the words almoft tl)anfcribed, fo th~t it is furprifing he did not fee it. The Ropdeletia is an American, · defcribed by Plumier ; the Chomelia an Afiatic, figured in the Hortus Malabaricus, v. 2. B E L . L 0 N I A. [I' !=T' HE calyx is a perianthium, formed of a fingle leaf, divid~d into five lan~eolated, ·;.1 acute fegments, and permanent: the corolla confi~s o~ a fipgle P.etal, and is of the fotatea kind: the tube is very iliort, the limb large, and divided into five fegments. The ftamina are five very iliort, ereCt, fubulated filaments: the antherre are fhort, erect, and connivent: the germen is placed below the receptac;\e. of the flo'Ye : the ~yle is fubula'ted, ftrait, and longer than the fiamina : the ftig~il is acute. The fruit is a capfule of a turbinato-ova1 figure, furrounded by the cup, and has ,a kind of rofirum, or beak, proceeding from it's top, formed by the connivent fegments of the cup; it contains only one cell, in which are numerous, very fmall, roundi1b feeds. It is an American, defcribed by Plumier ;. the charaCters are fufficient to make it known, without a defcription. G~NIPA. ~ I T HE calyx is a iliort perianthium, forming a kind of UI}.divided margin, or rim, on the top of the germen : the corolla confifi:s of a fingle petal, of the rotated kind.: the tube is very iliort, and of a funnel-like iliape : the I limb is large, divided into five fegments, and patent; the fegments are of an oval figurs;:, ~nd acute: the fia. I)lina are five fubulated, reflex filaments, ihor~er thfln ,tqe corolla: the antherre are roundifh and ~onnivent: the germen is oval, and placed under the req:ptacle: th~ ftyle is fi.mple and iliort; the fiigma is ot an ovato-oblong figure, large, .and of the )ength of the fiamina. The fruit is a fle1by berry, of an oval figure, fmall at each end, truncated, and contains two celJs, in each of which are a number of depreifed, angu .. lated feeds. · Of this genus there is only one known fpecies, which the charaCters fufficiently diftinguiili, without a farther defcription. CINCHONA. • I ' T HE calyx is a very fmall, permanent perianthium, formed of one leaf, divided into five fegments at the edge. The corolla confi!l;,s of a fingle petal, and is of the infundibuliform ~ind: the _tube is cylindric and long;, the limb is patulous, divided into five fegments, ferrated and acute. The fiamina are five very [mall filaments : the antberre are oblong, and are placed within the tube of the cbrolla: the germen is roundiih, and placed beneath the receRtacle of the flower. I Th~ fiyle is of the Jength of the corolla: the fiigma is thick, oblong, and fimple. , ;T~e fruit is a roundiih capfule, coronated with the cup, compofed of two cells, .and opening into two parts, longitudinally, from the bafe 'to the apex: the feeds ,are numerou.s.J oblong, compreffi:d, and marginated. Of this genus there is only one known fpecies, which is the tree whofe bark is the famous cortex Peruvianus. \ :J 1 c.. I ( .' CINCH 0 N A. |