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Show Tbe Hiftory of P L A N T S. XYRIS. T HE calyx of the Xy ic; is a fpike of a roundi(h lhapc, compofed of fquammc:e of a round concave figure, imbricated, and ferving to feparate the flowers. The glume is iinall and bivalve; the valves are navicular, compreffed, arcuated, acute, and counivent. The corolla conGfis of three petals, which are p]ane, patent, large, and crenated, and have narrow ungues of tbe length of the calyx. The il:amina are three flender filaments, iliorter than the corolla: the antherc:e are erccl and oblong. The germen of the pi!lil is roundilh, the fiyle is filiform, and the il:igma is triple. The fruit is a capfule contained within the cup ; the figure round, and compofed of three valves and containing three cells; in each of which are a number of minute feeds. Of,this genus there is only one known fpecies. X y R I s. The root is compofed of a few white fibres : the leaves are five or fix inches long, and half an inch broad at the bottom ; from thence they grow narrower to the extremity, where they terminate in a point. They are ribbed longitudinally, of a whitiili colour at the bottom, and of a beautiful green all the way up beGde. The il:alks are angular, and about a foot high; they are alfo whiti!h at the bottom, and green upwards : they are naked, and have no branche~; at the top of each il:ands a head, of the bignefs of a nuuneg, or more. Thefe are formed of fquammofe leaves, and from the alx of thefe grow rhe flowers, which are of the breadth of a fixpence, and of a bright, {hining yellow. It is a native of Malabar, and grows in watery places. It is defcribed in the Hortus Mal. V. 9· p. 139, under the name of Kortsjiletti-pqllu. Clqfs the Third. Order t be F ir.ft. Divijion the Third. Triandria Monogynia, the flowers of which have an imbricated amentum, and naked feeds. 8 C H 1E N U 8. T HE calyx of the Schc:enus is a common glome, containing feveral flowers; it is permanent, large, ereCt, and attenuated, and is compofed of two valves. The proper corolla conGfis of fix petals, which are permanent, of a lanceolated figure, acute, and connivent; unequal in fize and fituation, difpofed in a kind of imbricated manner, and the exterior ones {barter than the refi:. The fi:amina are three capillary filaments ; the anther;Bare oblong a~d ereCt. The germen of the pifiil is of a triquetrous, oval form, and obtufe; the fiyle 1s fetaceous, and of the length of the corolla; the fiigma is trifid and Gender. There is no pericarpium ; the feed is fingle, gloffy, of an oval, but fomewhat triquetrous, form, and largefi in the upper part, and is contained, till ripe, in the corolla. This gen11s comprehends the Cyperella and Pfeudo-Cyperus of Micheli. There is a fpecies of this genus, in which certain ihort fetc:e form the proper receptacle round the feed. I. Schcenus culmo Jubtriquetro foliqfo, jloribus jofciculatis, foliis Jetaceis. The jafciculated-jlowered, triquetrous-.ftalked Schcenzu, with Jetaceous leaves. The root of this fpecies conGfis of a few black fibres, formed at the top into a kind of head; from this rife a great number of oblong, and very narrow, leaves ; from among thefe grows a fialk a foot, or fourteen inches, high, obf~urely three-cornered in ihape, and confiderably hard, rigid, and firm. This has two or three joints, and from C c c ea'-h |