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Show 744 MR. R. I. POCOCK ON ETHIOPIAN SPIDERS. [Jline 15, the Phlogieae, most of the Oriental genera of his Selenocosmieae, one genus of his Pcecilotherieae, and one that would fall into his Ischnocoleae. The Ornithoctoninae contain tbe rest of the Oriental genera of his Selenocosmieae. But in addition to the Oriental genera, Mons. Simon referred to the Selenocosmieae a considerable number of genera from Africa. It is these genera, together with the remaining genus of the Pcecilotherieae, and several additions that constitute the subject-matter of the following pages. These genera appear to m e to fall into two well-marked sections, as arranged on the synoptical table. The first of these is no doubt a perfectly homogeneous assemblage, comparable to the Ornith-octonini or Selenocosmiinae of the Oriental Region. The second section seems to m e as a whole to be inseparable from the genera inhabiting South and Central America and the Mediterranean district of the Palaearctic Begion. I have consequently grouped them provisionally (that is to say, pending a further examination of the S. American forms) as Theraphosiuae. This subfamily is, however, very heterogeneous ; but to what extent it will ultimately prove divisible into minor groups must for the present be left an open question. M y views respecting the classification of the Theraphosidae may be briefly epitomised as follows : - a. With a feathery scopula on the external surface of the mandible. a'. A stridulatiug organ present and consisting of a few enlarged plumose hairs on the mandible set in vibration by short spikes on the adjacent surface of the maxilla; sternal sigilla remote from the margin, &c ORNITHOCTONIN.E. Oriental Eegion. b'. Without a stridulating organ, or when present one consisting of bristles derived from the oral fringe ou the mandible and a cluster of plumose hairs on the maxilla ; sternal sigilla marginal, &c HARPACTIRINJE. South and East Africa. b. Without a feathery scopula on the outer surface of the mandible. a2. A stridulating organ present, and consisting of a cluster of bacilliform spines on the maxilla, and a series of spines or spiniform hairs on the mandible SELENOCOSMIINJI. Oriental Region and Australia. b2. Without any stridulating organ between the mandible and maxilla TIIERAPHOSIH/E. Tropical and Subtropical America, Madagascar, Ethiopian Eegion, Mediterranean area of Palaearctic. These sections may be compared with Simon's "groups" as follows:- Ornithoctoninae ( = Selenocosmieae in part). Harpactirinae ( = Selenocosmieae iu part). |