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Show 1897.] BUTTERFLIES OF T H E GENUS TERACOLUS. 9 and further west it has been recorded from Afghanistan, Asia Minor, and the Sinai Peninsula. 8. TERACOLUS FULVIUS. Idmais fulvla, Wallace, Trans. Ent. Soc. p.' 392, pl. ix. fig. 5 (1867). Teracolus tripuncta, Butler, Proc. Zool. Soc. p. 149, pl. xv. fig. 4 (1880). Teracolus surya, Moore, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. Iii. p. 45 (1885). Teracolus palliseri, Butler, Ann. Mag. N . H . (6) i. p. 418 (1888). This is the Southern representative of T.faustus, being recorded from Khandesh and Ganjam, on the west and east coast of India, and occurs from there southward to Ceylon. 9. TERACOLUS CALAIS. Papilio calais, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iv. pl. 53. C & D (1782). Pontia dynamene, Klug, Svmb. Phys., Ins. pl. vi. figs 17 & 18 (1829). Teracolus carnlfer, Butl. Proc. Zool. Soc. p. 138, pl. vii. figs 8 & 9 (1876). This is a wide-ranging but comparatively stable species. The only locality in Extra-Tropical South Africa from which it has been recorded is Delagoa Bay. From there it ranges north along the Eastern littoral (including Madagascar), but does not appear to become plentiful till near the Equator, whence it continues through Somaliland, Abyssinia, and Arabia, into North-western India; on the west side of Africa, it has been recorded from the Congo. It appears to me impossible to separate T. dynamene, Klug, from T. calais. The lighter-coloured typical form seems to predominate in Africa and T. dynamene in India, but the latter is also common in Equatorial East Africa. In Arabia both forms occur, and there is in the British Museum a female T. calais from Aden which is noted as having been taken in copula with a male T. dynamene. T. carnlfer, Butler, from Karachi (November), is clearly a dry-season form of this species, the bright green of the underside being modified into a sandy pinkish. In January 1896 I took a white female of this species at Beira. 10. TERACOLUS AMATUS. Papilio amata, Fabricius, Syst. Ent. p. 476 (1775). Papilio cyprcea, Fabricius, Mant. Ins. ii. p. 22 (1787). Teracolus modestus, Butler, Proc. Zool. Soc. p. 137 (1876). Teracolus kennedll, Swinhoe, Proc. Zool. Soc. p. 440 (1884). This species is nothing more than a local race of the preceding, but as the distinctions appear fairly constant and the two forms do not merge too much into one another, I prefer to keep them apart. T. amatus therefore represents T. calais in Central and Southern India and Ceylon. T. kennedll is identical with T. amatus; and I cannot accord specific rank to T. modestus, which is only a rather |