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Show 234 MR. G. A. BOULENGER ON THE [Feb. 2, L. Posso, Loka (Bonthain Peak), 3600 feet, Macassar, and between L. Matanna and Towuti. Manado, Macassar (Meyer). Kandari (Beccarl). 14. BHACOPHORUS EDENTULUS, F. Mull. (Plate XVI. fig. 2.) Rhacophorus edentulus, F. Mull. Verh. nat. Ges. Basel, x. 1894, p. 840. Vomerine teeth absent, or reduced to two very small indistinct groups near the inner edges of the rather large choanae. Snout rounded, a little shorter than the diameter of the orbit: canthus rostralis distinct; loreal region slightly concave ; nostril nearer the tip of the snout than the eye ; interorbital space as broad as the upper eyelid; tympanum moderately distinct, two-fifths to one-half the diameter of the eye. Outer fingers half-webbed; disks of fingers large, as large as or a little larger than the tympanum; toes webbed to the disks of the third and fifth, penultimate phalanx of fourth free ; subarticular tubercles feeble ; a very small inner metatarsal tubercle ; no tarsal fold. The tibio-tarsal articulation reaches the tip of the snout or beyond. Skin smooth or finely shagreened above, granulate on the belly and under the thighs ; a fold from the eye to the shoulder. Green above (bluish grey or lilac in spirit), uniform or with dark dots; one specimen with a large rust-red blotch on the head and another on the body; humerus yellowish white; femur yellowish wdiite with a narrow green stripe ; white beneath. Male without vocal sacs. From snout to vent 40 millim. Ten specimens : Bone Mts., Tomohon, Totoija Valley, Burukan, Loka (Bonthain Peak). Specimens were obtained in Southern Celebes by Mr. Everett. 15. BHACOPHORUS MONTICOLA, Blgr. (Plate XVI. fig. 3.) Rhacophorus monticola, Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N . H. (6) xvii. 1896, p. 395. Vomerine teeth in two oblique series between the choanae. Snout more or less pointed, as long as the diameter of the orbit; canthus rostralis distinct; loreal region slightly concave ; nostril equally distant from the eye and the tip of the snout; interorbital space as broad as the upper eyelid ; tympanum moderately distinct, half the diameter of the eye. Outer fingers two-thirds webbed; disks of fingers large, as large as or a little larger than the tympanum; toes webbed to the disks of the third and fifth, penultimate phalanx of fourth free ; subarticular tubercles feeble ; a very small inner metatarsal tubercle; no tarsal fold. Tibio-tarsal articulation reaching the eye or the anterior border of the orbit. Skin finely shagreened above, granulate on the belly and under the thighs ; a fold from the eye to the shoulder. Coloration very variable. Grey or green (bluish or purplish in spirit) above, uniform or dotted, spotted or vermiculate with darker, or with large symmetrical dark markings, viz., a cross-band between the eyes, an hourglass- or X-shaped blotch on the auterior part of the back, and a cross-band on the sacrum; one specimen green |