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Show 322 PROF. R. COLLETT ON MAMMALS [Mar. 16, Length of the body, with head, about 150 mm., length of tail 250 mm. Consequently the proportions of the body to the tad is as three to five, thus considerably longer than in the typical C. boweri, and agreeing in that respect with C. macrurus, Peters. The colour is exactly as in Ramsay's description of C. boweri. From a little in front of the ears, down the back of tbe head, and the central portion of the back and on the root of the tail is a broad distinct band of golden yellow, rufescent on the nape. The tail is brown for one-seventh of its base, the remainder white; towards the tip the hairs are somewhat longer than on its inner parts, but no distinct brush is present. This specimen from Roebuck Bay thus has the proportions of the body in accordance with C. macrurus, and the colour with C. boweri; there is therefore much reason to believe that the two species are identical. The two half-grown young ones have both a length of 96 mm. (head and body); the tail was 103 and 110 mm. Thus the tail was proportionally much shorter than in the larger specimen, and perfectly in accordance with Ramsay's description of his C. boweri. The colour, too, was as in the type specimen; the hairs of the tail evenly short to the tip, and no trace of a brush wras developed. Mammae four. Skull. Hardly distinguishable from that of C. penicillatus. Hah. Rare in the neighbourhood of Roebuck Bay, not found in Arnhem Land. Several were seen within the houses. Native name: Katkomba. 12. CONILURUS HIRSUTCS (Gould), 1842. Conilurus hlrsutus, Ogilby, Cat. Austral. Mamm. p. 117 (1892). N. Australia: Hermit Hill, Aug. 8th-15fh, 1894 (eleven specimens and two foetuses). Daly River, Oct. 7th, 1894 (one specimen). Mount Showbridge, March 15th, 1895 (two specimens). Katherine River, July 13th, 1895 (one specimen). Foetus. Besides the 15 specimens, mostly full-grown, there are two foetuses (taken from a female at Hermit Hill, i\ug. 15, 1894) of the size of a nearly full-grown mouse. Vibrissas already well-developed. In one the placenta was still adherent; it is very large and thick, rather oblong, its diameters being 23 mm. and 27 mm. The number of foetuses is never more than two. Shin. Size very large. Measured on the skins of full-grown specimens the length of body and head is about 315 mm., the tail about 340-360 mm. Occiput and neck in all tinged with rusty yellow; belly yellowish white. The feet are varied above with black and rusty yellow; the hands are black, but in most specimens the long hairs which cover the claws are whitish. Skull. Length 67 mm.; breadth 32 mm. Foramen palatlnum not reaching the anterior border of the teeth series. Anterior |