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Show 04 LORD W A L S I N G H A M O N [Jan. 19, small and inconspicuous; at one-third a larger costal spot, with one, immediately above the dorsum, straight below it; at two-thirds a larger costal spot, with a very small one straight below it at the end of the cell, a few smaller ones lying around the apex and apical margin ; cilia pale straw-ochreous with a slight vinous gloss. Exp. al. 8 m m . Hind wings pale grey ; cilia with a slight vinous gloss. Abdomen yellowish grey. Legs whitish ochreous. Type, 3 Mus. Wlsrn. Hab. West Indies-ST. T H O M A S , 12 1II.-14 IV. (Gudmann, Hedemann). Four specimens. 22. ARISTOTELIA EROMENE, sp. n. Antennce stout; whitish ochreous, faintly annulated towards the apex. Palpi stout, second joint almost as long as the apical, smooth-scaled; whitish ochreous, clouded with fuscous externally, especially at the base and apex of the second joint, apical joint with two black annulations. Head and thorax pale ochreous. Fore wings pale ochreous, somewhat shaded with chestnut-brown along the middle; an elongate black costal spot at the base with a smaller one immediately beneath it ; a small triangular costal spot before the middle, almost connected with two others placed obliquely beneath it, extending backward to the dorsum ; a larger triangular costal spot (also black) before the commencement of the costal cilia; on the dorsum, beneath and before it, a slender black streak lies a little beyond the middle but does not leave the margin; a terminal series of small groups of black scales at the base of the greyish-ochreous cilia. Exp. al. 9 m m . Hind wings shining, pale grey ; cilia shining, pale ochreous. Abdomen shining, greyish. Posterior legs whitish ochreous, externally smeared with fuscous. Type, 3 Mus. Wlsm. Hab. West Indies-ST. T H O M A S , 20 III. (Gudmann); ST. C R O I X, 2 V.-9 VI. (Hedemann, Pontoppidan). Three specimens. Bred at St. Thomas by Mr. Gudmann from larvae feeding on Bromella pinguin, L. This species differs from annullcornis, Wlsm., in the first dorsal spot being nearer to the base than the costal spot above it and in the larger size of the outer costal spot, as well as in the darker tone of colouring of the fore wings and in the absence of the annulation on the basal joint of the antennas. 23. ARISTOTELIA ORNATIPALPELLA, sp. n. Antennce rather stout, simple ; cinereous with a slight indication of dark transverse lines above. Palpi smooth ; olive-grey, with three black annulations on the second joint and two on the apical joint. Head and thorax dark olive-grey. Fore wings olive-grey, with a slight greenish tinge ; a short black basal patch occupying the costal half is followed by a smaller costal patch at one-third, with a black dorsal patch a little beyond it; at the upper extremity |