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Show 248 MR. M. JACOBY ON THE [Feb. 2, black, the lower three joints fulvous; thorax rather more than twice as broad as long, narrowed in front, the sides but slightly rounded, the surface very finely but not closely punctured, with a slight depression near the posterior angles, which is a little more strongly punctured, basal lobe broadly produced, narrowly margined with black as well as the anterior margin at the middle; scutellum broader than long, black, shining ; elytra strongly lobed at the sides below the shoulders, very closely and rather regularly punctured in rows, flavous or fulvous, a small spot on the shoulders, another near the suture below the scutellum, and two rather larger ones below the middle, placed transversely, black, of these spots the inner ones are the largest; underside and legs clothed with yellowish pubescence, tarsi broad and robust. Hah. Praetoria, also East Africa. Closely allied to P. ecklonl, Lac, but the thorax without any band or spots and the general size smaller. The two specimens contained in m y collection agree in every way with each other ; for all that, it may be that the species represents but a variety of P. ecklonl. PEPLOPTERA COLLARIS, n. sp. Black ; basal joints of the antennas fulvous ; thorax convex, impunctate, fulvous, the base with two large black spots ; elytra finely and remotely punctured, flavous, a sutural and lateral narrow stripe black. Length 4 lines. Head black ; the vertex convex and smooth, the other part finely rugose and depressed between tbe eyes ; the clypeus more sparingly punctured; labrum and palpi black; antennas only extending to the middle of the thorax, black, the lower four joints fulvous, basal joint strongly incrassate ; thorax twice as broad as long, the sides rounded, the anterior margin concave, the surface rather strongly convex, impunctate, reddish fulvous, the base with a large subquadrate black patch at each side, extending upwards to the middle, but both well separated ; scutellum black, its apex truncate ; elytra finely but distinctly punctured in semi-regular but rather widely separated rows, flavous, the suture with a narrow black band, not extending to the base, the sides with a similar band (leaving only the basal lobe of the groundcolour), abbreviated near the apex, the extreme apical margin likewise narrowly black; underside and legs black, finely pubescent, the tarsi broad and robust. Hab. Tabora, Ounyamyembe. Of this species I possess a single example ; it is a comparatively large species, and differs from its congeners in the broad subquadrate black patches of the thorax in connection with the sculpture and pattern of the elytra. PEPLOPTERA FULVITARSIS, n. sp. Subcylindrical, black; thorax extremely finely punctured, rufous a central elongate and two lateral round spots black ; elytra |