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Show 788 MR. D. j. SCOURFIELD O N T H E [June lo, NEBELA BARBATA, Leidy. This was the form destitute of spines considered by Leidy to be a variety of N. barbata intermediate between the typical N. barbata and N. collaris. It is figured by him on plate xxiv. of the ' Bhiz. of N. America,' figs. 18 & 19. In the Spitsbergen mosses this species was not rare, but uiuch less common than the foregoing. ? HELEOPERA PETRICOLA, Leidy. In two of the collections specimens of a Heleopera were seen which were covered with flat but irregularly-shaped sand grains and were moreover slightly tinged with violet. I have found the same form in England, even the colour being the same; and I have regarded it as a variety of H. petricola, although it may possibly be a distinct species. PSEUDOCHLAMYS PATELLA, C. & L. Considerable numbers of the empty tests of this minute Arcella-like Bhizopod were seen, but very few living animals. ARCELLA ARTOCREA, Leidy. The absence of Arcellas from the collections was a very striking characteristic, and it was not until the examination was nearly finished that a single empty shell of an undoubted Arcella was found. It agreed very well with A. artocrea in most respects, but the ring of minute tubercles round the mouth could not be made out, and its diameter was barely-jig-". EUGLTPHA ALVEOLATA, Dllj. A few specimens of the spineless form of this species were obtained from three of the collections. EUGLYPHA CILIATA, Ehrbg. (= ? E. ampullacea, H. & L., and E. compressa, Carter). In point of numbers this species was as common as Difflugia constrlcta, but it was not quite so constant, being apparently absent from three of the fourteen collections. The great majority of the specimens were destitute of " cils, " only a small number being of the typical ciliated form. The amount of variation in size, outline, shell-structure, and amount of compression was very great indeed, and in addition to this many examples presented curious malformations, such as an oblique mouth, notched fundus, &c. EUGLYPHA CRISTATA, Leidy. A rare species, only detected in three of the collections. ASSULINA SEMINULUM, Ehrbg. Another rare species, only seen in two collections. In one of these the animals were quite characteristic, even possessing the peculiar brown colour so well shown by Leidy. The specimen |