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Show 1897.] MR. LYDEKKER ON A NEW MULE-DEER. 899 Dimensions of the type, an old female, measured in the flesh by collector :- Head and body 182mm.; tail 68; hind foot with claws 34; ear 23. Skull-basal length (basion to gnathion) 38-2; basilar length of Hensel 36*6 ; occipito-nasal length 41-5 ; greatest mastoid breadth 25*8; breadth across postorbital processes 14; interorbital breadth 12; intertemporal breadth 13*2; palate-length from henselion 15; height of brain-case from basisphenoid 15*5; front of canine to back of molar (alveoli) 13*1; length of posterior narial fossa 9*1; distance between outer corners of m1 16. P4, length 4*8, breadth 3*3 ; m1, outer length 4-4, greatest diagonal diameter 5*6 ; mv length 6. Hab. Bosario, Sinaloa, W . Mexico. It would be seen from the description that this remarkable little species differed far more from any of the other species than they did from each other. It was unfortunate that the only specimen was a female, but it being fully adult, with the teeth beginning to be worn and the basilar suture entirely closed, no doubt could exist as to the extremely small size of the species. Mr. Thomas also exhibited a Badger from Lower California which he considered different from any previously described, and characterized as follows :- TAXIDEA TAXUS INFUSCA, subsp. n. Battern apparently as in T. t. berlandleri, Baird, but the general colour as much darker than in that animal as that of T. t. neglecta, Mearns, was as compared with T. t. typica. Mesial stripe broad and well-marked throughout, from nose to tail, specially broadened on the nape, where it reaches a width of from lg to 2 inches. Black cheek-patch not united to orbital patch and only doubtfully connected by grey with the black crown-band. Long hair of back without sub-basal bands, uniformly tawny buff except for the subterminal band of black and tip of dirty white. Tail-hairs similar, except those of the extreme tip, which are blackish brown throughout. Under surface brownish or tawny white ; mesial line clear white. No interramial black spot. Dimensions of the type, an adult male, measured in the flesh : - Head and body 580 mm.; tail 122; hind foot 94 ; ear 50. Skull, basilar length of Hensel 113; greatest breadth 79. Hab. Santa Anita, Lower California. Coll. D. Coolidge. Type obtained Aug. 1, 1896. Original number 560. Four specimens examined. This form appeared to be undoubtedly most closely allied to the Mexican T. t. berlundierl, but differed in its darker tones, in the broadening of the dorsal stripe on the nape, and in the entire absence of the black interramial spot- Mr. Lydekker exhibited skins of a variety of the Mule-Deer from Lower California, for which he suggested the name Mazama |