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Show 206 MR. G. A. BOULENGER ON THE [Feb. 2, 10. GECKO VERTICILLATUS, Laur. One specimen : Kema. Four specimens : Macassar. Manado, Minahassa, Macassar (Meyer). Macassar (Beccarl). Macassar ( Weber). The specimen from Kema has been erroneously referred to G. stentor by Dr. Midler. 11. GECKO MONARCHUS, Schleg. Two specimens: Macassar. Manado, Minahassa (Meyer). Kandari (Beccarl). AGAMIDcE. 12. DRACO RETICULATUS, Gthr. One female specimen : C. Celebes, Luhu, 3300 ft. 13. DRACO SPILONOTUS, Gthr. (Plate VIII.) Numerous specimens : Kema, Tomohon. Manado (Meyer, Bruijn). Head small; snout as long as or a little shorter than the orbit; nostril lateral, directed outwards ; tympanum sometimes scaly, usually naked; no parietal foramen (pineal eye). Upper head-scales very unequal, keeled ; 4 to 6 series of very small scales along the interorbital region between the enlarged, strongly keeled supraoculars ; nasal shield separated from the rostral and from the first labial by one, rarely by two, series of scales; 6 to 8 upper and as many lower labials. The male's gular appendage one-half to two-thirds the length of the head. A very slight nuchal crest. Dorsal scales subequal, smooth or faintly keeled, slightly larger than tbe ventrals, which are strongly keeled ; no dorso-lateral series of enlarged scales, although two or three such scales may be exceptionally present. The fore limb stretched forwards extends much beyond the tip of the snout; the hind limb reaches the axil or the shoulder. The late Dr. Midler has drawn attention to the differences in colour which exist between specimens of this species. These differences are, however, much greater still, for the female specimens referred by Peters and Doria, Midler, and others to D. lineatus belong to this species. Head, body, and limbs of a bluish grey, marbled with dark grey or brown; a black nuchal spot; sides of neck usually reticulated with dark bluish grey ; gular appendage of male lemon-yellow ; throat of females speckled with black; wing-membranes of males lemon-yellow or deep orange, speckled all over with black, or with, small black spots on the basal portion, unspotted below ; wing-membranes of females orange with black spots forming more or less regular cross-bands, or nearly entirely black with white longitudinal lines and mere traces of orange cross-bars ; their low er surface immaculate or with a few small black spots. |