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Show 1897.] NEW AFRICAN MAMMALS. 435 Dimensions of the type, an adult female, in spirit:- Head and body 156 m m . ; tail 154; hind foot 49*7 ; ear 29-5. Skull-basal length 43 ; greatest breadth 23; nasals, length 17-5 ; interorbital breadth 7*5 ; breadth of brain-case 17'8; palate-length 27-5 ; front of i.1 to back of m.2 *, 26-8 ; combined lengths of p.3, p.4, in.1, and m.2, 12-1. Hab. Rovuma River, 100 miles inland. Type. B.M. Collected and presented by Dr. Livingstone. Two further specimens, without exact histories, but probably from the same expedition and locality, had been presented to the British Museum by Sir John Kirk in 1864. One of these had been made into a skeleton on arrival, but its sex unfortunately not recorded; the other, like the type, was a female. This species was intermediate between the other two in the character of its tail-bristles and in locality, but in size was rather smaller than either. It was just possible that Peters's Boror specimens might prove to belong to it, as its skull was very like that figured by him. However, as already stated, the typical locality of Peters's species should be taken as Senna. 3. P. SULTANI, sp. n. Size largest. Tail very thinly haired, almost naked, coloured as in P. rovumce; along the whole of its under surface were a large number of most peculiar bristles, from 2 to 5 m m . in length, as had been described by Dr. Giinther; stiff but elastic, and with a round or oblong knob at their tip ; the bristles themselves were whitish, with the knobs nearly black. R u m p very little naked, even the comparatively small part that was bare in P. tetradactylus having a certain sprinkling of fine hairs visible with the naked eye. Sole-pads large, and the plantar reticulations particularly distinct. Skull large and powerful, with squarely expanded zygomata and broad brain-case. Palate almost without vacuities, the large ones present in the other species opposite p.4 and m.1 almost or quite filled up. Dimensions of the type, an adult male, in skin f :- Head and body (c.) 198 m m . ; tail (c.) 150 ; hind foot 53*5. Skull-basal length 50 ; greatest breadth 29*8; nasals, length 20*5; interorbital breadth 9; breadth of brain-case 20 ; palate-length 31-2; front of i.1 to back of m.2, 29-2; combined lengths of p.3, p.4, m.1, and in.2, 13-5. Hah. Mombasa (Kirk and Taylor), Mandera, inland of Bagamoyo, (Langheld) ; Masailand (Jackson). Type. B.M. 80. 11. 30. 10. From Mombasa, collected by Sir J. Kirk. N o detailed comparison of this fine species with its allies was * The last molar. t Of another adult male, in spirit, from the Eabai Hills :-Head and body 178 mm.; tail 154 ; hind foot 55-5 ; ear 35. |