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Show 1897.] CLASSIFICATION OF THE CHRYSAUGINEE. 643 . ^g. 4. SECT. I. Fore wing with vein 10 stalked with 7, 8, 9 ; palpi of 2 three to four times the length of head. Type. (1) M A C N A POMALIS, Wlk. xvi. 78. N.E. India ; Malacca ; Goossensla praslncdls, Eag. Ann. Soc. Singapore; Salanga. Ent.Fr. 1891, p. 98, &Mon. Phyc. & Gall. pl. 46. f. 4. (2)fMACNA PLATYCHLORALIS, Wlk. xxxiv. 1517. Andamans ; Java. SECT. II. Fore wing with vein 10 from the cell; palpi of 2 about twice the length of head. (3)*MACNA ATRIRUFALIS, n. sp. 3. Head and thorax purplish red-brown; abdomen fuscous black. Fore wing purplish red-brown suffused with fuscous ; traces of a dark sinuous antemedial line ; two indistinct dark sinuous postmedial diffused lines excurved at middle, with a pale speck between them on costa. Hind wing fuscous brown ; both wings with white line at base of cilia. Underside of fore wing with short oblique white postmedial line from costa; hind wing with two dark curved postmedial lines. 5 with the lines more distinct, the antemedial with a large fuscous patch inside it on inner area; the postmedial with fuscous patch beyond it on costa, the white mark much more prominent; a series of black marginal spots. Hab. Amboina; Humboldt Bay, N. Guinea. Exp. d" 34, 2 58 mm. Type in Coll. Eothschild. (4)*MACNA IGNEBASALIS, n. sp. 2 . Head and thorax red-brown ; abdomen grey ; metathorax and base of abdomen tinged with fuscous. Fore wing pale purplish red-brown, with a large subbasal patch of fiery orange and pale yellow scales between cell and vein 1 and with a few scattered black scales on and near it; a black fascia on inner margin ; antemedial line black, straight, and obsolete on costal area; a black discocellular spot; traces of a red postmedial line excurved at middle; a straight black submarginal line. Hind wing fuscous brown, with reddish marginal band defined by black lines. Hab. Humboldt Bay, N. Guinea. Exp. 44 mm. Type in Coll. Eothschild. |