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Show 252 MR. M. JACOBY ON THE [Feb. 2, angles, the surface finely and closely punctured, clothed with whitish long pubescence, black, the anterior and lateral margins narrowly flavous; scutellum raised, black, its apex truncate; elytra opaque, very finely punctured, fulvous, wdth four small black spots, one on the shoulders, another lower down near the suture, and two placed transversely immediately below the middle ; underside and legs black, pubescent, anterior legs very elongate, the tibias slightly curved and mucronate at the apex, the first joint of the tarsi elongate, as long as the following two joints together. Hah. Natal, Ulundi, on flowers at the summit of Niginya, 6500 ft. (Marshall). Very closely allied to L. marginata, Lac, but the epistome only moderately concave at the anterior margin; the first joint of the antennas black, and the following two joints fulvous only, instead of the first four joints of that colour; the elytra reddish fulvous, not pale testaceous, and with four spots only instead of five, the spots of nearly equal size : there are two male specimens before m e which are exactly simdar in these respects. GYNANDROPHTHALMA ELONGATA, n. sp. Pale flavous or fulvous, antennas (the three or four basal joints excepted) black ; thorax impunctate ; elytra with rows of very fine punctures. Length 1^-3 lines. Of narrowly elongate shape, the female double the length of the male ; the head impunctate, the upper portion slightly swollen, obsoletely depressed between the eyes ; the clypeus broad and flattened, impunctate, its anterior margin semicircularly emarginate ; eyes prominent, slightly notched at their lower portion ; antennas extending to the base of the thorax, black, the lower three or four joints fulvous, the third extremely small, the fifth and following joints very strongly transverse; thorax twice as broad as long, the sides moderately rounded, but slightly narrowed anteriorly, the angles rather obtuse, posterior margin straight at the sides, its median lobe very slightly produced, straight, the base slightly depressed in front of this lobe, with a few distinct punctures, rest of the surface entirely impunctate; scutellum triangular ; elytra subcylindrical, with rows of very fine punctures rather distantly placed ; abdomen flavous like the rest of' the underside; the first joint of the posterior tarsi as long as the following two joints together. Hab. Sierra Leone, Bhobomp, also Togo, Central Africa. Evidently very closely allied to 67. mlochlroldes, Lefebv., from Abyssinia, but the author describes his species as having a finely punctured thorax and smooth elytra, which is not the case in the present insect; the female is of very elongate shape, and double the size of the male, but differs in no other way : the insect cannot be mistaken for Mlochlra fillformls, Lac, which has a similar elongate shape and colour, but differs in the structure of the tarsi. |