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Show 1897.] WEST-INDIAN MICRO-LEPIDOPTERA. 85 Thorax smooth. Fore wings narrow, elongate, of approximately even width throughout, somewhat securiform, apex slightly uncate, termen oblique, tornus angular. Neuration : 11 veins (7 and 8 coincident), 2 and 3 stalked. Hind wings trapezoidal, slightly broader than the fore wings, dorsum sinuate, tornus obtusely angular, not incised beneath the apex, costa straight, abdominal angle developed. Neuration : 8 veins, 6 and 7 connate, 3 and 4 from a short stalk, 5 approximated to 3 + 4. Abdomen somewhat flattened, anal tuft rather strongly developed. Legs: hind tibiae somewhat roughly (but not thickly) clothed. Allied to Strobisla, Clem., but easily separated by the length of the antennae, the shape of the termen, and the longer palpi. 71. DREPANOTERMA LACTICAUDELLUM, sp. n. Antennce dark fuscous, very faintly annulated ; basal joint whitish beneath. Palpi bronzy brown, apical joint tipped with white. Head and thorax dark purplish. Fore wings shining ferruginous, the basal third transversely blotched and striated with dark purplish fuscous and dark ferruginous, the apex and termen also shaded with dark purplish fuscous and illuminated with steel-grey patches ; cilia whitish ochreous, with dark grey streaks running through them (to the number of five or six), at the tornus purplish fuscous. Exp. al. 12 m m . Hind wings dark coppery grey with iridescent reflections at the base of the cell; cilia coppery grey. Abdomen dark purplish fuscous, anal tuft conspicuous, whitish ochreous. Legs shining creamy whitish, tarsi and tibiae shaded with greyish. Type, 3 Mus. Wlsm. Hab. West Indies-GRENADA (Chantilly Estate, 350 ft., windward side, 13 IV.-H. H. Smith). One specimen taken on the banks of a stream. 23. MENESTA, Clem. 72. MENESTA ? CINEREOCERVINA, Wlsm. Gelechia cinereocervina, Wlsm. Pr. Z. Soc. Lond. 1891, 519-20, 545 (1892) \ Hab. West Indies-ST. V I N C E N T ). The neuration of the fore wings of this species as recorded (I. c. 519) is erroneous. I find on a re-examination of the two original specimens that they have only eleven veins, not twelve, and therefore wish to amend m y original description as follows :- Fore wings with 11 veins (7 and 8 coincident), 7 + 8 approximated to 9, running to the costa. With this correction Gelechia cinereocervina differs from Menesta tortrlclformella, Clem., in having 6 and 7 of the hind wings connate instead of stalked, and in not having biciliate antennae; but for the moment I am unwilling to separate them genetically. |