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Show 118 LORD WALSINGHAM ON [Jan. 19, base, diverging outwards ; apical joint shorter than second, both triangularly clothed with appressed scales, giving a truncate appearance. Head densely clothed above and in front, Fore wings with the costa slightly arched, apex rounded, termen oblique, dorsum straight. Neuration: 12 veins all separate, 7 to apex. Hind wings as broad as the fore wings, somewhat trapezoidal. Neuration : 7 veins all separate. Abdomen somewhat flattened and laterally dilated. Hind tiblce somewhat hairy above and beneath. This genus is founded upon the peculiar shape of the palpi, which differ in form from those of all the genera of Micro- Lepidoptera with which I am acquainted. 154. DlTRIGONOPHORA MARMOREIPENNIS, sp. n. Antennce cinereous. Palpi silvery grey above, the second joint shaded and the apical joint doubly barred beneath with brownish fuscous. Head ochreous, mixed with brownish fuscous. Thorax brownish fuscous, transversely banded with whitish. Fore wings pale ochreous, thickly mottled with brownish fuscous, which is separated into ill-defined spots and shades by slender silvery whitish undulating lines ; a series of five or six slender silvery white oblique costal streaks, the outer one of the series being in the middle of an elongate brownish-fuscous patch, scarcely more than two-thirds of the wing-length from the base; a slender blackish line, slightly angulated at the apex, runs along the base of the greyish-ochreous cilia. Underside uniformly reddish grey. Expl. al. 5-7 mm. Hind wings and cilia reddish grey. Underside uniformly reddish grey. Abdomen reddish grey. Legs grey with white spurs, the tarsi spotted with white. Type, 3 Mus. Wlsm. Hab. West Indies-GRENADA (Balthazar, 250 ft., windward side, 15 III.-H. H. Smith). Two specimens. These specimens were unfortunately almost destroyed by an accident. 53. TRAPEZIOPHORA, Wlsm. 155. TRAPEZIOPHORA GEMMULA, Wlsm. Trapeziophora gemmula, Wlsm. Pr. Z. Soc. Lond. 1891, 530-547, Pl.XLI. 7 (1892) K Hab. West Indies-ST. VINCENT \ 54. GLYPHIPTERYX, Hb. = JECHMIA, Tr. (nee auct.) ; = USSABA, Wkr. Curtis, Br. Ent. IV. PL 152 (1827), figured and specified Phalcena linneella, CL, as the type of Glyphipteryx. If he were quoting Glyphipteryx from Hiibner's ' Verzeichniss,' he must have been |