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Show 224 MR. G. A. BOULENGER ON THE [Feb. 2, postocular; diameter of the eye exceeding its distance from the mouth; five upper labials, third and fourth entering the eye; anterior chin-shields in contact with the symphysial; posterior chin-shields shorter and in contact with each other. Scales in 13 rows. Ventrals 130-187 ( o*, 130-164; ? , 161-187); anal entire; subcaudals 11-21 (tf, 16-21; $, 11-14). Tail ending in a point. Coloration very variable. Dark brown above, uniform or spotted with black, or reddish brown, or brick-red, the scales speckled and edged with black ; a black streak on each side of the head, passing through the eye ; upper lip white ; white beneath, the ventrals edged or spotted with black, or edged with vermilion, or with a lateral series of black spots; a black or red band between two white ones along the lower surface of the tail. Total length 235 millim.; tail 20. 12 specimens : Loka, Bonthain Peak, 3500 feet; 1 specimen: Luhu, C. Celebes ; 2 specimens : between Posso Lake and Tomini Gulf. Several specimens were collected in Southern Celebes by Mr. Everett. The specimens from Macassar referred by A. B. Meyer to C. gervaisii will probably be found to belong to C. muelleri. 64. CALAMARIA CURTA, Blgr. (Plate XIV. fig. 2.) Calamarla curta, Boideng. Ann. & Mag. N . H . (6) xviii. 1896, p. 62. Bostral small, nearly as deep as broad, its upper portion hardly half as long as its distance from the frontal; frontal once and two-thirds as long as broad, twice as broad as the supraocular, much shorter than the parietals; one prae- and one postocular; diameter of the eye greater than its distance from the mouth ; five upper labials, third and fourth entering the eye; two pairs of chin-shields in contact w ith each other, the anterior in contact with the symphysial. Scales in 13 rows. Ventrals 154; anal entire ; subcaudals 14. Tail ending in a point. Olive-brown above, each scale with a black basal spot; head uniform ; two outer rows of scales white, black at the base; ventrals black at the base, white on the border; subcaudals white. Total length 315 millim.; tail 15. A single specimen (5) from Southern Celebes, 2000 feet, collected by Mr. Everett. 65. CALAMARIA GRACILIS, Blgr. (Plate XIV. fig. 3.) Calamarla cp-acills, Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N . H . (6) xviii. 1896, p. 63. Bostral a little broader than deep, its upper portion about half as long as its distance from the frontal; frontal once and a half as long as broad, twice as broad as the supraocular, much shorter than tbe parietals; one prae- and one postocular ; diameter of the eye equal to its distance from the mouth ; five upper labials, third and fourth entering the eye; two pairs of chin-shields |