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Show 76 LORD WALSINGHAM O N [Jan. 19, tawny-brown spot, blending with the ground-colour above it J three shining steel-grey bands can be traced with the lens, the first commencing on the costa at one-fifth and tending_ obliquely outwards to the fold ; the second, commencing at the first costal spot, runs almost straight to the fold, and slightly encroaches on the ochreous band beneath it; the third, slightly preceding the second costal spot at its lower extremity, reaches to the dorsum at the termination of the ochreous band; cilia tawny brown, with an admixture of steel-grey scales. Exp. al. 3 8 ; $ 10 m m . Hind wings steel-grey; cilia yellowish grey. Abdomen brownish grey. Legs pale cinereous ; tarsi faintly spotted. Type, 3 2 Mus. Wlsm. Hab. West Indies-GRENADA (Balthazar, windward side-if. H. Smith). Three specimens. 50. GELECHIA POSTPALLESCENS, sp. n. Antennce brownish fuscous with whitish annulations. Palpi : apical joint as long as the second joint; whitish, with a fuscous spot externally on the basal half of the second joint. Head and thorax creamy ochreous, the latter margined at the sides with brownish fuscous. Fore wings narrow ; brownish fuscous, sparsely sprinkled with ochreous scales; a creamy-ochreous dorsal streak occupies one-third the width of the wing and runs from the base through the tornal cilia ; a small creamy-ochreous costal spot lies at one-fourth from the apex, and a few pale ochreous scales are visible at the base of the brownish-fuscous terminal cilia. Exp. al. 9 m m . Hind wings and cilia grey. Abdomen brownish grey. Legs whitish ochreous ; tarsi minutely spotted with fuscous. Type, 2 Mus. Wlsm. Hab. West Indies-GRENADA (Balthazar, 250 ft., windward side, 15 IV.-H. H. Smith). Unique. 51. GELECHIA JAMAICENSIS, sp. n. Antennce creamy white, with greyish-fuscous annulations. Palpi : apical joint as long as the second joint, the latter slightly roughened beneath ; cream-white, the second joint doubly barred with fuscous externally, the apical joint biannulate with fuscous. Head creamy white. Thorax pale ochreous, whitish anteriorly. Fore wings pale ochreous, with a slight admixture of creamy-white and some ferruginous shading ; sprinkled and suffused with greyish fuscous above the fold and along the costa (especially on its outer two-thirds, where it extends to half the width of the wing), presenting a peppered or irrorated appearance; this irroration is continued around the termen and in the base of the greyish cilia ; two dark ferruginous-brown ocellated spots before the middle of the wing, the first at the commencement of the outer third of the fold, the other above and very slightly beyond it (in some specimens these spots are hardly noticeable, while in others the upper one is preceded and followed by similar spots). Exp. al. 8 m m. |