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Show 536 MR. M . J A C O B Y O N T H E [May 18, Hab. Madagascar, Diego-Suarez (Ch. Alluaud). Collection M . Alluaud and m y own. I would have referred the present species to E. madagassus, Har., had not the anterior femora been described in the diagnosis by the author as strongly dentate, of which no sign is to be detected in the two specimens before m e ; the elytra are also said to be deeply punctate-striate, while here they are very finely so from the middle downwards. E. metallicus, Jac, is of more narrow, parallel shape, the antennae are much longer, the thorax is much less transversely shaped, and the elytra are deeply punctate-striate throughout. EURYDEMUS D.OLUBI, 11. Sp. Dark brown ; thorax extremely finely and sparingly punctured ; elytra strongly punctate-striate, the interstices strongly longitudinally costate ; femora with a distinct tooth. Length 2 lines. Head distinctly but not closely punctured, with a slight central ridge ; the clypeus distinctly separated from the face, more strongly punctured; eyes large, the intervening space narrower than their diameter; the antennae extending to the middle of the elytra, fulvous, the second joint but little shorter than the third, the following joints slender and elongate; thorax one-half broader than long, narrowed in front, the sides rounded, the posterior angles thickened, with a single seta, the surface with some very fine punctures at the middle, the sides nearly impunctate; elytra much broader than the thorax, feebly transversely depressed below the base, with deeply and closely punctured striae ; the interstices strongly raised, forming highly raised costae near the apex and at the sides : underside and legs coloured as above; the femora with a strong tooth. South Africa (Holub). Of this distinct species, principally distinguished by the costate elytra, three specimens are contained in m y collection without particular locality, having been obtained by Herr Holub, the African traveller. IVONGIUS MINUTUS, n. Sp. Testaceous, the seventh and the apical two joints black ; thorax transverse, sparingly punctured ; elytra strongly punctate-striate; femora unarmed. Length |-1 line. Head extremely finely punctured, rather convex, the eyes surrounded by a narrow sulcus ; clypeus separated from the face by a distinct transverse groove, nearly impunctate ; palpi and antennae flavous, the latter extending beyond the middle of the elytra, the basal and the second joint thickened, the latter as long as the third joint, the seventh and the terminal two joints black, |