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Show 116 LORD WALSINGHAM ON [Jan. 19, mouse-grey at the tornus. Underside unspotted, the pale costa showing on the outer half. Exp. al. 26 m m . Hind wings eaden grey ; cilia paler. Abdomen dark leaden grey. Legs dark leaden grey, inclining to fuscous. Type, 2 M u s - Wlsm. Hab. West Indies-JAMAICA (Coll. Ragonot). This is not a true Trichostibas; it differs from the type in having veins 4 and 5 of the hind wings connate and vein 2 recurved out of 3 instead of recurved out of the cell, but in the absence of the 3 I am unwilling to describe it as the type ot a new genus. 49. PARATIQUADRA, g. n. (irapa : Tlquadra, nom. gen.) Type, Paratiquadra forficulella, Wlsm. Antennce (§) : 3 serrate beneath, uniciliate ; rather stout. Labial palpi rather short, projecting; apical joint much shorter than the second. Maxillarg palpi (broken ?). Haustellum rather short. Head smooth, slightly roughened posteriorly. Thorax smooth. Fore wings: costa arched, apex rounded, termen obliquely rounded. Neuration: 12 veins all separate, 7 to apex, 2 from near angle of cell, with an internal vein from between 6 and 7 to between 10 and 11. Hind wings elongate ovate, evenly rounded from apex ; transparent, iridescent; cilia short. Neuration: 8 veins all separate, 2 from end of basal third of cell, 3 remote, 3 and 4 widely separated, 4, 5, 6, and 7 almost parallel, but 5 is slightly curved downwards ; an internal vein from between 5 and 6 to base. Abdomen flat, hairy; anal claspers long and curved inwards and upwards, somewhat resembling the analogous organs in the Forgiculldce. Legs smooth. 150. PARATIQUADRA FORPICULELLA, sp. n. Antennce dark brownish fuscous. Palpi whitish grey. Head whitish grey, face paler. Thorax pale fawn brownish. Fore wings pale fawn brownish, a pale whitish-cinereous space along the cell blending with the darker ground-colour towards the tornus, and a similar pale space along the costa nearly to the apex ; cilia very pale fawn-brown. Underside pale fawn-brownish, with a large subovate blackish patch extending along the outer half of the cell at its upper edge nearly to the costa, and including the basal two-thirds of veins 8 and 9 as well as the greater portion of vein 10 and the outer part of vein 11. Expl. al. 24 m m . Hind wings transparent, iridescent, bluish grey, margined with a pale shade of fawn-brown ; cilia pale fawn-brown. Abdomen clothed with pale |