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Show 84 LORD WALSINGHAM O N [Jan. 19, white dots parallel with the margin and followed by tbe purplish-grey cilia. Exp. al. 14 mm. Hind wings greyish brown ; cilia grey, with a dark dividing shade near the base. Abdomen greyish brown. Legs greyish brown, faintly spotted with whitish ochreous, paler on their inner sides throughout. Type, 3 Mus. Wlsm. Hah. West Indies-GRENADA (Balthazar, windward side, 15 III.-10 IV.- H. H. Smith). Three specimens. 21. MALACOTRICHA, Z. 70. MALACOTRICHA ZINGARELLA, sp. n. Antennce nearly as long as the fore wing; greyish. Palpi rather long, slender, curved; the second joint with long hair-like scales above; white. Head subochreous above, face white. Thorax subochreous. Fore wings narrow, elongate, the costa depressed about the middle, apex somewhat rounded, termen very oblique ; ochreous, mottled with brick-red and streaked with steel-blue, with three black dots along the termen ; cilia steel-grey. (It is difficult to describe the exact distribution of the colours, the brick-red occurring between the ochreous spaces, also between some steel-blue lines that mark the course of the apical nervules and along the terminal margin separating the three black dots from the cilia ; the steel-blue is especially noticeable about the costal portion of the wing, where it runs in slender lines through the brick-red and ochreous spaces.) Exp. al. 9 mm. Hind wings and cilia pale grey. Abdomen subochreous. Legs whitish. Type, 3 Mus. Wlsm. Hab. West Indies-ST. CROIX, 1 V. (Gudmann); ST. THOMAS, 11-21 III. (Hedemann). Four specimens. "The larva mines in the fleshy leaves of Coccoloba uvifera. Mr. Gudmann has bred this species in numbers " (Hedemann). " Raupe 16-fiissig, nach hinten zu stark zugespitzt, gelbgriin mit durchscheinenden Darmkanal, zwischen den Segmenten stark eingeschniirt. Kopf braun, rund, kann bis zur Halfte in die Haut des ersten Segments eingezogen werden ; Afterklappe mit dunklem Schild von der Farbe des Kopfes. " Die Minen sassen meistens nur am Rande des Blattes und dfters sehr viele in demselben Blatte. Verpuppung in der Mine." (Gudmann.) 22. DREPANOTERMA, g. n. ($peTrdvoi> = 2i scimitar ; rep/ua=an end.) Type, Drepanoterma lactlcaudellum, Wlsm. Antennce as long as the fore wings, biciliate (1). Labial palpi recurved, long, smooth, flattened, divergent; apical joint scarcely half the length of the second. Maxillary palpi very short. Haustellum long. Head with appressed scales. |