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Show 1897.] WEST-INDIAN MICRO-LEPIDOPTERA. 171 112. FELDERIA, Wlsm. 287. FELDERIA DIMIDIELLA, Wlsm. Felderia dimidiella, Wlsm. Pr. Z. Soc. Lond. 1891, 516, 545, P1.XLI. 15 (1892) L Hab. West Indies-CUBA1. 113. PlLANAPHORA, g. n. (71-1X0$=felt; Anaphora, nom. gen.) Type, 3 2 Pilanaphora hedemannl, Wlsm. Antennce : 3 somewhat flattened, serrate towards the apex. Labial pcdpi: 3 very strongly recurved, reaching to the back of the thorax, brush-like throughout; 5 porrect, fully twice the length of the head beyond it. Fore wings : 3 scarcely more than twice as long as broad, with a long fringe along the basal third of the costa (bent back aud lying flat on tbe wing) ; 5 without the costal fringe. Neuration : 12 veins all separate, 8 to apex. Hind wings : 3 with a strong upstanding fringe extending from the base along the lower edge of the cell to vein 2, the abdominal margin densely hairy : 2 without the upstanding fringe. Neuration: 8 veins all separate. Abdomen densely hairy. Legs: all the tibiae densely clothed in the male, less strongly in the female. Allied to Acrolophus, Poey, and Anaphora, Clem.; but readily separated by the erect fringe on the hind wings. 288. PILANAPHORA HEDEMANNI, sp. n. Antennce brownish ochreous. Palpi, head, and thorax : 3 reddish fawn-grey ; 2 mouse-colour. Fore wings : 3 tawny reddish, speckled along the costa with purplish fuscous, the margins of the cell also marked out with purplish fuscous, which is intensified at the end of the cell and in a triangular blotch on its lower edge before the angle ; a whitish-ochreous streak follows the line of the fold, scarcely interrupted by a dark spot near its base, but incised at its upper edge by the triangular spot before mentioned; at the end of the cell a small reduplicated dot of white raised scales (probably very fugitive), which is connected by a pale whitish streak with a pair of purplish-fuscous spots nearer to the termen ; cilia conforming to the wing-colour, somewhat speckled : 2 mouse-colour, with the markings less distinct, and the whole wing-surface more evenly and distinctly speckled with darker spots; cilia slightly darker than the wings. Exp. al. 3 20- 22 mm.; $ 24-26 mm. Hind wings, 3 greyish fuscous, the raised tuft fawn-ochreous, and the hairs along the abdominal margin also inclining to ochreous ; cilia shining, paler than the wings ; $ shining, fuscous with a purplish gloss ; cilia slightly paler than the wings. Abdomen: 3 thickly clothed with hoary |