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Show 1897.] WEST-INDIAN MICRO-LEPIDOPTERA. 57 Ins. B. M. XXX. 934 (1864) 3. Oxyptilus anisodactylus, Wkr. Lp. Ins. B. M. X X X . 934-5 (1864) \ Pterophorus cliffusalis, Wkr. Cat. Lp. Ins. B. M . X X X . 945 (1864)5. Oxyptilus caffer, Wlsm. Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1881, 279 6. Oxyptilus walkeri, Wlsm. Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1881, 279-80 \ Sphenarches synophrys, Meyr. Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1886, 17-8 8. Oxyptilus anisodactylus, Moore, Lp. Ceyl. III. 528 (1887)9. Sphenarches caffer, Meyr. Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1887, 268 10. Oxyptilus anisodactylus, Swinh. & Cotes, Cat. Moths Ind. 668. No. 4542 (1889)». Sphenarches caffer, Cotes, Ind. Mus. Notes, II. 20, figgi (1891)12; Wlsm. Ind. Mus. Notes, II. 20-1 (1891)13; Cotes, Ind. Mus. Notes, II. 163 (1893),4. Larva. "Calabash" (Gambia)13; in pods of Dollchos lablab (India) 12-14. Hab. S. AFRICA-Caffraria1-3'13, Natal, XI.-XII.7'13 E.AFRICA13. W. AFRICA-Gambia 13. ASIA-Japan13, Ceylon *•9_11'13, India12-14, Burma 13. AUSTRALASIA-New South Wales, II.10, Queensland (Moreton Bay)5, New Hebrides8, Tonga Ids." West Indies-ST. THOMAS, 20 III. (Gudmann); G R E N A D A (Balthazar, 250 ft., windward side, 15-20 IV.-H. H. Smith). Oxyptilus periscelidactylus, Fitch, from the United States, belongs to the genus Sphenarches, and is at least very closely allied to caffer, Z. 3. PLATYPTILIA, lib. 3. PLATYPTILIA PUSILLIDACTYLA, Wkr. = TFCNIDION, Z.3 Oxyptilus pusillidactylus, Wkr. Cat. Lp. Ins. B. M. X X X . 933 (1864) 1. Platyptilia tecnicllon, Z. Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross. XIII. 468-9, Pl. VI. 162 (1877)2. Platyptilia pusillidactyla, Wlsm. Pr. Z. Soc. Lond. 1891, 495, 542 (1892) 3. Amblyptilia pusillidactyla, Hdm. Stett. Ent, Ztg. LV1I. 8 (1896)4. Hab. West Indies-JAMAICA1-3; ST. CROIX,4 22 IV. (Gudmann) ; ST. THOMAS, II.2'3'4; G R E N A D A (Balthazar, 250 ft., and La Force Estate, 350 ft., windward side, 5 IV.-5 Y.-H. H. Smith). 4. PLATYPTILIA COSMODACTYLA, Hb. (? = ACANTHODACTYLUS, Z.7) = VIMEPTALIS, Wkr.7 Alucita cosmodactyla, Hb. Samml. Eur. Schm. IX. Pl. VII. 35-36 (1816 ?) 1. Amblyptilia cosmodactyla, Hb. Verz. bek. Schm. 430. No. 4183 (1826) 2, &c. [? Pterophorus acanthodactylus, Z. Handl. Kongl. Svensk. Vet.-Ak. 1852, 117 3.] Oxyptilus dlreptalls, Wkr. Cat. Lp. Ins. B. M. X X X . 934 (1864)4. Amblyptilia cosmodactyla, Stgr. & W k . Cat. 342, No. 3131 (1871)5. Ambliptilus cosmodactylus, Wlsm. Pter. Cal. & Or. 23-5, Pl. II. 2-4 (1880) e: Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1881, 277-8 (1881)7. Platyptilia cosmodactyla, Meyr. Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1890, 486 (1890) '\ Hah. E U R O P E *'2'5'8 [larva, Aquilegia vulgaris, Geranium pratense, Salvia glutlnosa]. S. AFRICA-Transvaal3, Cape Colony4, Natal, |