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Show 344 MR. F. E. BEDDARD ON EARTHWOBMS [Mar. 16, case, quite straight, without a single bend or curve along their entire course ; as I have but one specimen at m y disposal, it is impossible to say whether this is a specific character or only Fig. 2. Spermatheca? of Acanthodrilus lucifuga. individual. The penial setce are smooth, without serrations ; they are straight and not coiled at the end as in A. photodilus. In other respects this species comes into near relation with the last, having, as it has, a w ell-developed gizzard and no calciferous glands. (9) Acanthodrilus africanus, n. sp. From forest at George Town were collected 8 examples of a species which do not agree with any of those already described. It is a stoutish w o r m but short, measuring 49 m m . by 3 m m . in diameter. Such an individual possessed 94 segments. The prostomium is complete. The setce have the usual disposition characteristic of the Cape Acanthodrlli. The nephrldlopores open in front of seta 3. The ventral setae converge at the male pore. The clitellum occupies segments xiv.-xvi. A well-developed gizzard is present. There are no genital papillce. The spermathecce, as always, lie in segments viii., ix. Each has a lobate diverticulum. The sperm-sacs are in segments ix.-xi. The spermiducal glands are coiled, but not very long. Eacb Fig. 3. Penial seta? of Acanthodrilus africanus. has appended a sac containing penial setce. I counted four of these setae in a single sac. They have the form which is illustrated in the accompanying sketch (fig. 3). The actual extremity of the |