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Show 1897.] LIZARDS OF THE GENUS SCELOPORUS. 475 Synojysis of the Species. I. Lateral scales directed obliquely upwards and backwards, and passing gradually into the dorsals; series of femoral pores usually widely separated, not meeting on the prasanal region. A. Tail cylindrical; hind limb not reaching the eye; head-shields smooth or slightly rugose. 1. The distance between the base of the fifth toe and the extremity of the fourth not exceeding the distance between the end of tbe snout and the ear; tibia nearly as long as, or a little shorter than, the shielded part of the bead; 26-39 scales between the interparietal shield and the base of the tail. fl. None of the enlarged supraoculars in contact with the shields of the crown. 27-37 scales between the interparietal shield and the base of the tail, 5-7 corresponding to the length of the shielded part of the head, forming parallel series on tbe back 1. 8. torquatus, Wiegm. 33-39 scales between the interparietal shield and the base of the tail, 8-9 corresponding to tbe length of the shielded part of the head, forming oblique series converging towards the median line of the back. 2. S. bulleri, Blgr. b. Fourth supraocular in contact with the parietal shields; 26-27 scales between the interparietal shield and the base of the tail, 6-7 corresponding to the length of the shielded part of the head, forming parallel series on the back 3. S. melanorhinus, Bocourt. 2. Tbe distance between the base of the fifth toe and the extremity of the fourth not or but slightly exceeding the distance between the end of tbe snout and the posterior border of the ear; 38-64 feebly keeled scales between the interparietal shield and the base of the tail. a. Dorsal scales forming parallel longitudinal series. 38-46 scales between the interparietal shield and the base of the tail, 8-11 corresponding to the length of the shielded part of the head. 4. S. yarrovii, Cope. 60-64 scales between the interparietal shield and the base of the tail, 15-16 corresponding to tbe length of the shielded part of the head. 5. S. ornatus, Baird. b. Dorsal scales forming oblique series converging towards tbe middle line posteriorly, 44-48 between the interparietal shield and the base of the tail, 9-10 corresponding to the lengtli of the shielded part of the head 6. 8. dugesii, Bocourt. 3. The distance between the base of the fifth toe and the extremity of the fourth equalling or somewhat exceeding the distance between the end of the snout and the posterior border of the ear; dorsal scales strongly keeled, slightly mucronate, 38-47 between the interparietal shield and the base of the tail, 7-10 corresponding to the length of the shielded part of the head ; tibia slightly shorter than the shielded part of the head 7. 8. consobrinus, B. & G-. 4. The distance between the base of the fifth toe and the extremity of tbe fourth exceeding the distance between the end of the snout and the posterior border of the ear. a. Dorsal scales equal in size. «. The distance between the base of the fifth toe and the extremity of the fourth equalling the distance between the nostril and the arm ; 35 strongly keeled and strongly mucronate scales between the interparietal shield and the base of the tail, 10 corresponding to the length of the shielded part of the head. 8, S. serrifer, Cope. |