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Show 458 REV.H. S. GORHAM ON NEW COLEOPTERA [May 4, the exception of the tarsi, trophi, and small transverse apical of the antennae. SPATHOMELES ELEGANS, Gorham, Endom. Recit. p. 32. Island of Marang, Sumatra (Doherty). There is a female of this rare insect in Mr. Fry's collection. It is apt to be overlooked as perhaps an abnormal Eumorphus, but the male, with its extraordinary plate on the hind tibia and spines from the elytra, would not be so. I have seen several female examples, but only the male type in the British Museum. TRYCHERUS ANGOLENSIS, n. sp. (Plate XXXII. fig. 2.) Ovalis, niger, nitldus ; abdominis aplce, tarsis, palpis antennarum-que aplce summo pieeis ; elytris singulis lineis duabus, una altera versus suturam,paulo ante medium per fasclam conjunctls, ante apicem desinentlhus rufis. Long. 13 millim. Hab. ANGOLA. The antennae in this insect are about half as long again as the head and thorax ; the front angles of the latter are acute and project as far as the bases of the antennas ; the sides are a little thickened, and are sinuate, narrowed in front, widening behind to the hind angles, which are acute. It is in the middle twice as wide as long (excluding the front angles); the basal sulci are almost obsolete, and there is a very short and evanescent central channel, scarcely more than a linear point, near the base; punc-tation is not visible, either on the thorax or elytra. The design on the latter is two narrow red vittae in the apical half, united at their basal end rather before the middle, but quite free towards the apex; the vittse are produced a little backwards beyond the fascia. Very close fine puncturing is visible on the base of the abdomen. This species seems to be near T. josephus, Duvivier (Comptes-rendus Soc. Ent. Belg. 1891), but to differ from it in the elytral pattern, and by the abdomen being pitchy only at the apex, &c. Two examples. TRYCHERUS RAFFRAYI, Gorh. Ann. Mus. Genov. ii. p. 4 (1885). Ovatus, niger, nitldus, fere glaher ; corpore Infra rufo-plceo, disco (medio plcco) fatclisque duabus elytrorum abbre-viatis, anterlore juxta suturam recurvata, sangulneo-rufis; prothorace transverso, duplo latlore quam longo. Long. 7 millim. 9- Hah. ZANZIBAR (Raffray). The head is pitchy black, finely punctured, as is the whole of the upper surface, as in T. senegalensis ; the antennas have all the joints shorter than in that species, but similar, they are black, the mouth aud palpi pitchy red. The thorax is much more transverse than that of T. senegalensis, and is blood-red except in the middle, and the margins narrowly. The elytra are rather less ovate, and have the first fascia more arcuate and much less distinctly dentate |