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Show 538 , MR. M. JACOBY ON THE [May 18, separated from the face, rather more strongly punctate, its anterior margin but slightly concave; labrum fulvous; eyes distinctly notched, surrounded by a very narrow sulcus; antennae extending to about the middle of the elytra, slender, the lower five joints flavous, the rest black, second joint thickened, scarcely shorter than the third, tbe following three joints elongate, terminal joints slightly widened ; thorax subcylindrical, transverse, of equal width, the sides straight, the angles distinct, tbe surface convex, dark greenish, rather strongly and closely punctured, posterior margin broadly rounded at the middle; scutellum impunctate; elytra slightly wider at the base than the thorax, the shoulders prominent, the disc cylindrical, moderately strongly punctate-striate, the punctures much finer at the apex, the interstices flat and impunctate, lateral margin perpendicularly deflexed, the colour dark greenish or bluish, metallic: underside blackish; femora unarmed, dark greenish, their extreme base and apex below fulvous; tibiae fulvous or flavous as well as the tarsi; prosternum broad, subquadrately transverse, its surface uneven, depressed posteriorly ; the anterior margin of the thoracic episternum strongly convex. Hab. Mashonaland (67. Marshall). Collection British Mus. and my own. This little species might possibly equally well be placed in Ivonglus on account of the unarmed femora, but the scarcely or not separated clypeus and other particulars seem better suited to the present genus; anyhow the species may be known by the fulvous apex of the femora and the similarly coloured tibiae and tarsi in connection with the dark greenish colour above. EHEMBASTUS MACULICOLLIS, n. sp. (Plate XXXIV. fig. 4.) Pale fulvous; thorax strongly punctured, with a transverse V-shaped greenish band and two spots ; elytra strongly punctate-striate, with nine or ten greenish spots, partly placed iu transverse rows. Length 1^-2 lines. Of subquadrate-ovate shape; the head strongly punctured, flavous, with a narrow piceous central stripe (sometimes absent); clypeus separated from the face by a transverse shallow groove, rather closely punctured; labrum fulvous; mandibles black; antennae flavous, not extending to the middle of the elytra, the second joint nearly as long as the third and thickened, terminal joints rather robust and strongly dilated ; thorax transverse, the sides rounded in front, but scarcely narrowed, with a narrow margin, posterior margin broadly produced at the middle, the surface very deeply but rather remotely punctured, the punctures much finer near the anterior margin, the disc wdth a narrow greenish transverse band, which at the middle assumes the shape of a V, the point of which extends nearly to the base, at each side there is also a more or less distinct greenish spot placed below the |