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Show 1897.] WEST-INDIAN MICRO-LEPIDOPTERA. 151 Hind wings very narrow, elongate, attenuate ; cilia 5. Neuration: 7 veins; 3 and 4 coincident, cell open, 5 and 6 stalked. Legs: hind tibia? pectinate above throughout, inner spurs much longer than the outer. The pectinate hind tibia? separate this genus from Gracilarla and Ornix, to which it is allied. 233. DlALECTICA SANCTcE-CRUCIS, Sp. n. Antennce smoky-whitish. Pcdpi white, unspotted. Head and face white. Thorax white, tegula? and sides pale copper-brown. Fore wings pale copper-brown, with two large shining white triangular patches on the dorsum, their apices reaching the costa; the first, at the base, covering nearly one-third of the dorsum, the second on the middle, both delicately margined with black scales externally, the second also internally ; beyond these at the tornus is an elongate subovate shining silvery-white dorsal patch, above which a short oblique slender white costal streaklet, black-margined on either side, crosses to the termen before the apex ; cilia at the apex greyish, with two short dividing streaklets, below the apex coppery brown, at the tornus shining white and behind it greyish. Exp. al. 7 m m . Hind wings and cilia grey. Abdomen shining greyish. Legs : posterior pair white with a black dot between the spurs. Type, 3 Mus. Wlsm. Hab. West Indies-ST. CROIX, 17 V. (Gudmann); ST. T H O M A S , 2 IV. (Hedemann) ; ST. J A N , 4 IV. (Gudmann). Three specimens. This species belongs to the group of scalariella, Z., and is most nearly allied to nolckenll, Z. Bred by Mr. Gudmann, but the plant not identified. 234. DlALECTICA RENDALLI, Sp. n. Antennce brownish. Pcdpi wiiite. Head and thorax white, the latter shaded across the front with brown. Fore wings brown with two broad snow-white transverse fasciae followed by a slender oblique costal streak and a semicircular subapical costal spot, with some white scales around the apex and about the tornus ; the first fascia is broader on the dorsal than on its costal extremity, the second is slightly oblique, tending outwards from the costa, and is somewhat widened towards the dorsum; cilia brownish grey. Exp. al. 7 m m . Hind wings and cilia dark brownish grey. Abdomen greyish brown. Legs : hind tibia? with a comb of bristly scales above; white, shaded along the tibia? and banded on the tarsi with brown. Type, 3 Mus. Wlsm. Hab. West Indies-JAMAICA (Monteague, 1100 ft., XI.-Rendall). Unique. Nearly allied to fasclella, Chamb., but distinguished by the absence of a third fascia. |