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Show vi Page D E WINTON, W . E., F.Z.S. Remarks on the Existing Forms of Giraffe *'° On a Collection of Mammals from Morocco 953 DUBOIS, Dr. ALPHONSE, Curator of the Royal Museum of Natural History, Belgium, C.M.Z.S. Remarques sur certains Oiseaux suppose's nouveaux . . 78J DUGES, ALFRED, M.D. Description d'unOphidien nouveau d\iM.exiqvie(Oreophls boulengerl, g. et sp. nn.) 284 FORSYTH-MAJOR, C. I. See MAJOR, C. I. FORSYTH-. FOWLER, G. HERBERT, B.A., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Zoology, University College, London. Contributions to our Knowledge of the Plankton of the Faeroe Channel.-No. II 523 Exhibition of an abnormal specimen of a Crab (Carclnus mcenas) 721 Contributions to our Knowledge of the Plankton of the Faeroe Channel.-No. III. The Later Development of Arachnactis albida (M. Sars), with Notes on Arachnactls bournei (sp. n.). (Plate XLVII.) 803 GARDINER, J. STANLEY, B.A., Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. On some Collections of Corals of the Family Pocilloporlclce from the S.W. Pacific Ocean. (Plates LVI. & LVII.) .. 941 GOELDI, Dr. E. A., C.M.Z.S. Notice of a Memoir on the Lepidosiren paradoxa of the Amazons 92i |