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Show 650 SIR G. F. HAMPSON ON THE [June 1, SECT. II. (CEctoperla). Mid tarsus of male without the tuft of scales ; fore wing with the excisions in costa slight. (6) S A L O B R E N A SINCERA. Zell. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 1873, p. 331, pl. x. f. 45. U.S.A. SECT. III. Male with no excisions on costa of fore wing; the glandular swelling on underside very large, with a thick tuft of hair from its extremity in end of cell. (7)tSALOBRENA A^ACUANA, Wlk. xxviii. 441. W. Indies; Brazil. Genus IONEA. Idnea, Herr.-Schaff. Samml. aussereur. Schmett. p. 75 (1855). Uzeda, Wlk. xxviii. 442 (1863). Coryblssa, Wlk. xxviii. 445. Auchoteles, Zell. Hor. Soc. Ent. Eoss. 1877, p. 83. Palpi upturned, reaching vertex of head, the 3rd joint minute; frons with a tuft of hair; antennae minutely ciliated; mid and hind tibiae and the 1st joint of tarsi fringed with rough hair. Fore wing with the costa arched at base, excised beyond middle; the apex produced and falcate ; the outer margin very much excurved at middle; a glandular swelling in male at base of costa below, with an oblique tuft of hair from it met by a fringe on median nervure continued for a short way along vein 2 ; a hyaline patch beyond the cell; vein 3 from near angle of cell; 4, 5 from angle; 6, 7 from upper angle in male, 8, 9 stalked, 10 free, 11 anastomosing with 12; in female 7, 8, 9 stalked, 10, 11 free. Hind wing with the outer margin excurved at middle; veins 3, 4, 5 from lower angle of cell (or abnormally 4, 5 on a long stalk); the discocellulars obliquely curved; veins 6, 7 stalked, 7 anastomosing with 8. Fig. 13. Idnea speculans, o". A. SECT. I. (Idnea). Fore wing of male with two excisions in the costa beyond middle, the lobe between them curled over and with a tuft of hair; hind wing with short ridges of scales beyond lower angle of cell on veins 3, 4, 5. . (1) I D N E A SPECULANS, Herr.-Schaff. Samml. aussereur. Schmett. ff. 399, 400. Brazil. f Uzeda ollvaceana, Wlk. xxviii. 443. |