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Show 558 MR. M. JACOBY ON THE [May 18, fulvous, the last five joints black, strongly thickened ; thorax more than twice as broad as long, the sides slightly rounded, the anterior angles oblique, the posterior margin obliquely shaped at the sides, but scarcely sinuate, the surface finely and moderately closely punctured, the punctures slightly elongate in shape, especially so at the sides; scutellum small, black; elytra longer than broad, metallic blue, rather more strongly punctured than the thorax, the punctures arranged in double rows near the suture, more irregularly at the sides, the interstice impuuctate: underside and the posterior femora dark blue, the other legs and the tibiae fulvous ; prosternum longer than broad. Hab. Mozambique, Eikatia (Junod). Of this small species, principally distinguished by the system of coloration, a single specimen is contained in m y collection. SPHiERODERMA HOV^E, U. Sp. Black, the antennae and the legs fulvous; thorax very finely punctured; elytra more strongly, but not closely punctate-striate, the striae here and there in pairs; posterior femora black. Length 1| line. Head impunctate, the frontal tubercles very narrow and oblique; carina very short; the clypeus, labrum, and palpi fulvous; antennae nearly extending to the middle of the elytra, fulvous, the second joint scarcely shorter than the third, the fourth and following joints gradually but rather strongly widened; thorax twice as broad as long, the sides nearly straight, obliquely narrowed towards the apex, the basal margin sinuate at the sides, broadly produced at the middle, the surface rather closely and very finely, but not evenly, punctured ; scutellum smooth ; elytra with rows of stronger punctures not very regularly placed, the rows themselves rather widely separated, those at the sides arranged partly in pairs, the extreme apex of each elytron obliquely shaped, their epipleuras deeply concave, impunctate ; legs fulvous, the posterior femora black; prosternum subquadrate, narrowred at the middle, with a few punctures ; metasternum deeply punctured ; abdomen sparingly pubescent, distinctly punctured, the last segment of the male with a longitudinal central groove. Hah. Madagascar, Diego-Suarez ( Ch. Alluaud). Differing from most of its allies in the black colour and the fulvous antennae and legs. EUGONOTES, n. gen. Narrowly parallel, pubescent; head rather deeply inserted, eyes comparatively large, frontal tubercles absent; clypeus broad, not separated from the face; palpi but little thickened; antennas closely approached, slender, longer than the body in the male, the second and third joints nearly equal, the others very elongate; thorax subquadrate, without depressions; elytra punctate-striate and pubescent; posterior femora strongly incrassate, their tibias widened at the apex, not sulcate, with |