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Show 228 MR. G. A. BOULENGER ON THE [Feb. 2, BATRACHIA. ECAUDATA. EANIDcE. 1. O X Y G L O S S U S LCEVIS, Gthr. 12 specimens: Masarang, Kakas, Matinang Mts., Lembongpangi, 1700 feet, Takalekadjo Mts., 3300 feet. Adult and larval specimens were collected by Mr. Everett in Southern Celebes, at an altitude of 2000 feet. The largest specimen measures 42 millim. from snout to vent. The toes may be fully webbed, wdth rectilinear membrane, or the web may be deeply emarginate, as described by Peters in 0. mar-tensil from Siam, which I am now very much inclined to think is based on an individual variation of 0. Icevis. The habitat of this Frog would thus extend from Burma and Siam to Sumatra, Borneo, the Philippines, and Celebes. I a m able to append a description of the tadpole, from specimens collected by M r . Everett in Southern Celebes :- Length of body once and a half to once and two-thirds its width, two-fifths the length of the tail. Nostrils nearer the eyes than the end of the snout. Eyes on the upper surface, nearer the end of the snout than the spiraculum, the distance between them twice as great as the distance between the nostrils. Spiraculum on the left side, directed upwards and backwards, equally distant from the eye and the posterior extremity of the body. Anal opening median. Tail four or five times as long as deep, acutely pointed, with low crests. Mouth small, wdth horseshoe-shaped lip without horny teeth, the closed mouth appearing as a vertical slit; beak black. Olive above, white beneath ; tail speckled with dark brown. Total length 51 millim.; body 14 ; tail 37 ; depth of tad 7. 2. BANA KUHLII, D. & B. Minahassa (Meyer). A specimen, labelled as from Celebes, presented by Sir A. Smith, is in the British Museum. 3. BANA MODESTA, Blgr. Vomerine teeth in two strong oblique series, originating between the choanae or on a level w ith their posterior border and extending posteriorly to or beyond the palatines ; lower jaw, in the adult, with two bony prominences in front, which are most developed in the male. Head moderate; snout short, rounded or rather pointed ; canthus rostralis angular; loreal region concave ; nostril nearer the tip of the snout than the eye; interorbital space nearly as broad as the upper eyelid in the adult, narrower in the young; tympanum distinct, two-fifths to two-thirds the diameter of the eye. Fingers moderate, the tips swollen into small disks, first extending beyond second; toes moderate, entirely or nearly |