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Show 154 LORD WALSINGHAM ON [Jan. 19, 95. CORISCIUM, Z. 242. CORISCIUM A L B O M A R G I N A T U M , sp." n. Antennce mouse-grey. Palpi white, with a smoky-white brush beneath the second joint and two minute black annulations on the apical joint. Head and thorax smoky-white, the latter margined with mouse-grey. Fore wings dark mouse-grey, with a series of oblique white costal streaklets beginning at one-third from the base, the fifth continued across the wing and meeting a white inverted tornal streaklet, beyond it a sixth costal is inverted before the apex; the dorsum is white throughout; with two dark spots connected with the dark ground-colour in the fold, one before the other behind the middle; a short elongate very oblique white dorsal streaklet ascends before the tornus pointing in the direction of the apex; cilia white, tipped with mouse-grey, with a line of blackish scales along their base sending a short black point through them at the apex; tornal cilia greyish. Exp. al. 6 m m . Hind wings and cilia grey. Abdomen greyish. Legs white, speckled with mouse-grey on the hind tibia? and tarsi. Type, 3 Mus. Wlsm. Hah. West Indies-ST. T H O M A S , 12 III.-14 V. (Gudmann, Hedemann). Five specimens. Bred by Mr. Gudmann and Baron von Hedemann, but the plant not identified. 243. CORISCIUM A T T E N U A T U M , sp. n. Antennce yelloAvish white, delicately annulated. Palpi recurved, the second joint slightly tufted beneath; white, tinged externally with pale fawn. Head white. Thorax whitish. Fore wings delicate pale fawn-ochreous, with some whitish mottling on the basal half; a slender whitish line along the dorsal margin bending upwards and meeting at a right angle the second of three white costal streaks (which is somewhat more oblique than the other two), the margins of these streaks are peppered with minute black scales ; a white dorsal spot lies before the apex of the outer costal streak, and a white apical spot contains a rounded black dot: a slender fawn line running around the apex at the base of the paler cilia, which are also tipped with fawn at the extreme apex. Exp. al. 7 m m . Hind wings pale greyish, with pale fawn-grey cilia. Abdomen fawn-grey. Legs whitish. Type, 3 Mus. Wlsm. Hab. West Indies-ST. T H O M A S , 7-28 III. (Gudmann, Hedemann). Three specimens. Bred by Mr. Gudmann from larva? feeding on Croton flavens. VI. ARGYRESTHIANM. 96. LEUCOPHASMA, g. n. (\evt:6s=bright; <pdo-pa = phantom.) Type, 3 Leucophasma phantasmella, Wlsm. Antennce nearly as long as the fore wings, somewhat flattened towards the base, simple. |