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Show 1897.] WEST-INDIAN MICRO-TjEPIDOPTERA. 141 narrow; pale olive-grey; cilia the same. Abdomen greyish. Legs: hind tibiae with profuse spiny hairs above ; pale greyish. Type, 3 Mus. Wlsm. Hab. West Indies-ST. THOMAS, 18 III.-2 IV. (Gudmann, Hedemann). Three specimens. " In repose the moth resembles a Cicada and springs forwards " (Hedemann). II. DENDRONEURINJE. 82. DENDRONEURA, Wlsm. 212. DENDRONEURA PRCESTANS, Wlsm. Dendroneura prcestans, Wlsm. Pr. Z. Soc. Lond. 1891, 510, 544, Pl. XLI. 6, a-c (1892) \ Hab. West Indies-ST. VINCENT J ; G R E N A D A (windward side, Chantilly Estate, 350 ft., Balthazar, 250 ft,, 13-20IV.-H. H. Smith). 213. D E N D R O N E U R A SIMPLEX, sp. n. Antennce rather shorter than the fore wings; pale yellowish fawn. Pcdpi short, flattened; apical joint subovate, broader than the second; pale yellowish fawn. Head and thorax pale fawn. Fore wings shining, pale yellowish fawrn, with a bright yellowish ferruginous spot before the apex, preceded by two oblique fuscous streaks, one from a little beyond the middle of the dorsum, the other commencing a little beyond it on the costa, the two nearly meeting outwardly at their extremities (these appear to be composed of very fugitive scales and are easily obliterated); beyond the ferruginous spot a dark fuscous (almost black) slender curved line passes from the apex through the silvery-yellowish cilia giving a slight uncate appearance, tornal cilia yellowish grey. Exp. al. 8 mm. Hind wings and cilia yellowish grey. Abdomen pale greyish. Legs shining straw-whitish. Type, 3 Mus. Wlsm. Hab. West Indies-SAN D O M I N G O (Puerto Plata, 16 V., Gudmann). Two specimens. This differs from prcestans, Wlsm., the only other known species of the genus, in the apparent absence of the tuft of long hair-scales arising beneath the eyes, which, so far as I am able to determine, does not exist in this species ; but such structures are often only displayed in individual specimens, and in others are completely hidden away. III. LYONETIANM. 83. LEUCOPTERA, Hb. LEUCOPTERA, Hb. Verz. bek. Schm. 426 (1826). = CEMIOSTOMA, Z. Lin. Ent. III. 272-3 (1848). 214. LEUCOPTERA COFFEELLA, Guer.-Men. & Prrott. = NOCTUELLA, Mdnr.8 Elachista coffeella, Guer.-Men. & Prrott. Mem. Ins. Cafiers Antill. 1-32, Pl. l.-II. (1842)l; Rev. Zool. 1842, 126-72; Ann. |