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Show 104 LORD WALSINGHAM ON [J an.19, grey; cilia dull smoky white. Abdomen whitish. Legs white; hind tibiae hairy above. Type, 3 Mus. Hedemann. . Hab. West Indies-ST. T H O M A S , 10 IV. (Hedemann). Unique. This species differs from cdblvltella, Z., and llthochroma, Wlsm., in the much shorter apical joint of the palpi. 38. SYNTOMACTIS, Meyr. [Meyr. Tr. N. Z. Inst. XXI. 173 (1889).] 119. SYNTOMACTIS? CERVINELLA, sp. n. Antennce longer than the fore wings; pale fawn-ochreous. Palpi somewhat recurved, slender, smooth, the apical joint nearly as long as the second; pale fawn-ochreous. Head and thorax pale fawn-ochreous. Pore wings very narrow, elongate; pale fawn-ochreous, speckled with brownish fuscous in a line along the fold with another above it, as well as around and about the apical portion of the wing ; the more conspicuous dots being one at the outer third of the fold, one at the end of the cell, and one in the same line beyond it; cilia pale fawn-ochreous. Exp. al. 12 mm. Hind wings and cilia pale yellowish grey. Abdomen shining pale fawn-ochreous. Legs scarcely paler, unspotted; hind tibiae with long pale hairs above. Type, 3 Mus. Hedemann. Hab. West Indies-ST. CROIX, 24IV. (Gudmann); ST. THOMAS, 11 III. (Hedemann). Two specimens. This species appears to differ from Syntomactis, Meyr., only in its longer antennae. 1 am not at present disposed to create a new genus for its reception. Zarathra differs in its very much longer palpi. 39. BATRACHEDRA, Stn. 120. BATRACHEDRA ALBISTRIGELLA, Mschl. Batrachedra alhlstrlqella, Mschl. Ab. Senck. Nat. Ges. XV. 345, 354 (1891)1; Wlsm. Pr. Z. Soc. Lond. 1891, 538, 548 (1892) \ Hah. West Indies-PORTORICO12. 121. BATRACHEDRA STIGMATOPHORA, sp. n. Antennce with distinct white and fuscous annulations. Palpi slender, slightly recurved; yellowish white. Head and thorax whitish ochreous. Fore wings fawn-ochreous, mottled with whitish ochreous, thus forming an indistinct pale fascia at about one-fourth from the base, broader on the costal than on its dorsal extremity, sprinkled on its inner edge with minute black scales; a second pale space occurs about the middle of the wing, also irregularly sprinkled with minute black scales; towards the apex the costa and dorsum are both blotched wdth whitish ochreous, a streak of black scales running between the blotches to the apex and through the apical cilia • cilia greyish, whitish ochreous immediatelv beneath |