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Show 1897.] REPTILES A N D BATRACHIANS OF CELEBES. 231 edged with dark brown or black on the outer side; a dark crossbar between the eyes and a dark A-shaped interscapular marking usually present; limbs wdth regular dark cross-bands ; lower parts whitish, uniform, or throat and breast spotted with brown. Male with internal vocal sacs. From snout to vent 43 millim. This species was discovered in Palawan by Mr. A. Everett, wdio has since found it on Mt. Kina Balu, Borneo. Several specimens were obtained by the Drs. Sarasin in Celebes, some of which were taken for the young of R. modesta by Midler. Tomohon, Matinang, Masarang, Burukan, Posso, Loka. Tasosso, S. Celebes, 4000 feet (Everett). 7. BANA TIGRINA, Daud. One specimen : L. Limbotto; three specimens : Kema; one specimen : L. Posso ; two specimens : Macassar. Manado, Gorontalo (Meyer). Macassar, Kandari (Beccarl) 8. BANA ERYTHRCEA, Schleg. Four specimens : Macassar. Macassar (Beccarl). 9. BANA VARIANS, Blgr. Rana varians, Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (6) xiv. 1894, p. 86. Vomerine teeth in two oblique series between the choanae, or extending beyond the level of the hinder edge of the latter. Head depressed, longer than broad; snout obtusely or acutely pointed, prominent, longer than the diameter of the orbit ; canthus rostralis angular ; loreal region nearly vertical, strongly concave ; nostril nearer the tip of the snout than the eye ; interorbital space as broad as the upper eyelid or a little narrower ; tympanum very distinct, as large as the eye or a little smaller. Fingers moderate, first extending considerably beyond second, longer than the fourth; toes nearly eutirely webbed, the last two phalanges of the fourth free; tips of fingers and toes dilated into small but well-developed disks; subarticular tubercles well developed ; inner metatarsal tubercle oval, blunt; a small round outer metatarsal tubercle; no tarsal fold. Tibio-tarsal articulation reaching the tip of the snout, or a little beyond ; tibia as long as or a little shorter than the fore limb. Skin finely granulate, with or without small warts ; a narrow glandular dorso-lateral fold. Brown, pink, or grey above; a dark brown or black streak below the canthus rostralis and a temporal blotch ; a whitish streak along the upper lip ; limbs with dark cross-bands; hinder side of thighs brown or marbled wdth brown ; some specimens with a pale vertebral line and another pale line along the upper surface of the tibia; throat and breast sometimes dark brown. Male with internal vocal sacs and without humeral gland. From snout to vent 70 millim. First described from Palawan, this species has since been found |