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Show 938 ON MAMMALS FROM NYASALAND. [Dec 14, The differences between this and its ally T. gregorlanus already been detailed (I.e.). In naming it I have ventured to associate with it the name of Mr. Sclater, the Society's Secretary, to whose influence and assistance the commencement and continuation of the Nyasa explorations have been so largely due. De Beerst's Aulacodus calamophagus is said by Pousargues ' to be larger, not smaller, than T. swindlerenianus, a skull in the Paris Museum measuring 89 mm. in basal length by 68 in zygomatic breadth. While these dimensions do not exceed those of some of the British Museum examples of T. swlnderenlunus they prove conclusively that T. calamophagus has nothing to do with T. sclaterl. 52. LEPUS CRASSICAUDATUS, Geoffr. ff, h. J $ . Nyika Plateau, 7000 ft,, June 1896. " Hare shot on rocky ground on the highest peaks of the Nyika Plateau, at about 7000 feet. It is truly a ' rock-rabbit,' which term is generally wrongly applied here to the Dassies (Procavia). It has all the habits of the Dassies, living among rocks in absolutely bare and exposed places, and is very difficult to shoot as it dodges among the boulders. It is very local, living in colonies, and is only found in situations that suit its habits and mode of life."-A. W. This Hare has only hitherto been recorded from the Cape, so that the present is a great extension of its known range. 53. LEPUS WHYTEI, Thos. «, h. 2 young skins. Zomba, 12/95. 54. PROCAVIA BRUCEI, Gray. a, b. $ and yg. Monkey Bay, Lake Nyasa, July 1896. 55. POTAMOCHCERUS CHCEROPOTAMUS NYASCE, Maj. a-c. 3 young skins. " Young wild-hogs caught near Zomba, and kept in captivity for a short time. The female forms a house or nest of grass in a burrow in thick grass-jungle."-A. W. Dr. Major2 has described the ordinary Nyasa Biver-Hog as a peculiar subspecies of the Cape animal, for which he finds the proper name to be P. chceropotamus, Desmoul. 56. OREOTRAGUS OREOTRAGUS, Zimm. a. Nyika Bange, 6000 ft., 7/96. 57. OUREBIA HASTATA, Pet. a. 3 . Zomba Plains, 12/96. 6. Young $ . Plains S. of Shirwa, 27/10/96. Specimen a was shot by Mr. Beswick. It is a very fine old male. 1 Bull. Mus. Paris, 1897, p. 160. 2 Supra, p. 367. |