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Show 752 MR. R. I. POCOCK ON ETHIOPIAN SPIDERS. [June 15 Harpactira elevata, Karsch, ibid., from Tette and Mozambique is possibly also a Pterinochilus • but according to Bosenberg it is' synonymous with H. chordata, Gerst. (see Jahrb. Hamb. Anst xii. p. 27, 1894). These species very likely belong to the genus Pterinochilus. Genus PTERINOCHILUS, nov. Allied to Harpactira, but differing in the entire absence of the stridulating organ, the area on the mandible below the feathery pad being merely sparsely clothed with simple setae, without ' notes'; while the opposable area lying on the maxillae between the suture and the oral fringe is also clothed with simple setae. N o feathery scopula on the inner surface of the mandible. Lastly the apical segment of the spinners is long and slender, being longer than the 2nd segment and not shorter than the basal segment. Type, P. vorax, sp. n. PTERINOCHILUS VORAX, sp. n. (Plate XLIII. figs. 3-3 e.) Carapace blackish brown, clothed with hairs of an olive-grey tint, shining in parts with a silky golden lustre ; edge of carapace and upper side of coxae and trochanters clothed with long golden yellow hairs ; hairs of the same bright tint on the upper surface of the mandible and the base of the femora on the upper side ; legs covered with yellowish-brown hairs intermixed with black ; tibiae speckled with whitish spots; a rim of whitish hairs at the distal end of the upper side of all the segments, except the tarsus: inner side of anterior femora greyish black, outer and lower sides like the posterior two pairs of femora, clothed with yellowish-red hairs ; abdomen covered with a mixture of blackish and yellowish hairs indistinctly spotted, sides and lower surface with an outer coating of long reddish-yellow hairs; sternum and coxae of anterior appendages fuscous, posterior coxae clothed with redder hairs than the anterior. Carapace just about equal to the patella and tibia of 4th leg, shorter than those of the 1st and shorter than tarsus and protarsus of 1st, not quite one-fourth longer than wide, the width a little excelling the length of the patella and tibia of the 3rd leg, and a shade greater than the protarsus of the 4th ; length of clypeus about half that of the ocular tubercle. Median eyes separated by space a little less than their diameter, which is less than the long diameter of the other three; space between the laterals less than diameter of anterior medians. Legs 1, 4, 2, 3, the 1st and 4th subequal; armed with very few spines; tibiae with a pair or a few more at tbe tip beneath ; protarsi of 3rd and 4th with a spine on each side at the base of the scopula and a few spines above and below at the apex of the segment, femur of 3rd thicker than the others; the protarsus of 1st ( 3) with its inner border strongly hollowed out in the basal |