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Show 138 LORD WALSINGHAM ON [Jan. 19, of some scarcely noticeable silvery lines in the apical half wing along the edges of the darker markings ; cilia pale ochreous. Exp. al. 9 mm. Hind wings and cilia greyish. Abdomen greyish. Legs whitish ochreous. Type, 3 Mus. Wlsm. Hah. West Indies-ST. CROIX, 25 VI. (Hedemann) ; ST. VINCENT (H. H. Smith)l; G R E N A D A (Balthazar, 250 ft., windward side, 13 IV.-4 V. (H. H. Smith). Five specimens. I am unacquainted with the following three species, and therefore am unable to refer them to this genus with certainty. 202. PHALONIA ? PROLECTANA, Mschl. Cochglis prolectana, Mschl. Ab. Senck. Nat. Ges. XV. 332, 354 (1890) \ Conchylls prolectana, Wlsm. Pr. Z. Soc. Lond. 1891, 500, 543 (1892)2. Hab. West Indies-PORTORICO1,2. 203. PHALONIA ? TECTONICA, Mschl. Cochglis tectonica, Mschl. Ab. Senck. Nat. Ges. XV. 332-3, 354 (1890) \ Conchylls tectonica, Wlsm. Pr. Z. Soc. Lond. 1891, 501, 543 (1892)2. Hab. West Indies-PORTORICO1,2. 204. PHALONIA? VICINITANA, Mschl. Cochylls vicinitana, Mschl. Ab. Senck. Nat. Ges. XV. 333, 354 (1890) l. Conchylls vicinitana, Wlsm. Pr. Z. Soc. Lond. 1891, 501, 543 (1892) 2. Hab. West Indies-PORTORICO1,2. 80. THYRAYLIA, g. n. (dvpavXla = living out of doors.) Type, Conchylls bunteana, Rbs. Antennce 3 shortly biciliate. Pcdpi moderate, porrect; second joint roughly clothed; apical joint short, blunt. Head roughly clothed. Thorax smooth. Fore wings : 3 without a costal fold ; costa somewhat straight, rounded to the slightly depressed apex; termen rather oblique, not sinuate beneath apex ; tornus rounded. Neuration: 12 veins all separate; 2 from outer fourth of cell, 7 to costa above apex. Hind wings slightly broader than the fore wings, trapezoidal; apex and tornus rounded ; termen and dorsum subsinuate. Neuration: 8 veins; 3 and 4 connate (or stalked), 5 almost straight but inclining to 4 towards base, 6 and 7 stalked. Hind legs smooth. Allied to Phiheochroa, Stph. (CommopMla, Meyr.), from which it |