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Show 658 SIR G. F. HAMPSON ON THE [June 1, Fig. 22. Hypocosmia definitalis, $. \. Type. *HYPOCOSMIA DEFINITALIS, Eag. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1891, p. 505, pl. 7. f. 11. Venezuela1. Genus XANTIPPE. Xantippe, Eag. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. 532. Palpi upturned, thickly scaled, and hardly reaching vertex of head; frons roughly scaled; antennae somewhat annulate; mid tibiae and 1st tarsal joint fringed with hair above ; hind tibiae long, fringed with hair above, the tarsal joints with tufts of scales diminishing distally. Fore wing with the costa straight; the apex rectangular ; the outer margin oblique ; veins 4, 5 stalked ; 6 from upper angle ; 7, 8,9 stalked; 10 from angle; 11 becoming coincident with 12. Hind wing with vein 2 from close to angle of cell; 3, 4, 5 stalked; 6, 7 stalked, 7 anastomosing strongly with 8. Fig. 23. Xantippe auropurpuralis, o*. }• SECT. I. Fore wing with vein 3 stalked with 4, 5. Type. (1) XANTIPPE AUROPURPURALIS, Eag. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. 533, pl. 5. f. 7. Brazil. SECT. II. Fore wing with vein 3 from cell. (2)fXANTIPPE CHROMALIS, n. Sp. o*. Greenish yellow. Fore wing with the costa fuscous, with pale specks at the origin of the very indistinct pale medial and postmedial lines; a marginal blackish line; the cdia yellowish white, dark at apex. Abdomen and hind wing pale fuscous. Underside fuscous ; the costa of fore wing irrorated ochreous and black, of hind wing reddish irrorated with black. 2 with the hind wing whiter. Hab. Sao Eaulo (Jones). Exp. d 18, 2 20 mm. 1 Not Ceylon. |