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Show 1897.] REPTILES AND BATRACHIANS OF CELEBES. 213 labials anterior to the suboculars, two have seven; in one the interparietal separates the parietals ; and two (one green, one brown) have 20 scales round the body, the others 22. The number of scales round the body thus varies from 20 to 26 in this species; and Prof. Weber was therefore well advised in referring to it his specimen from Saleyer wdth 20 scales, seven anterior upper labials, and the parietals completely separated by the interparietal- specimen which afterwards became the type of Oudemans's L. acutlrostre. 27. LYGOSOMA INCONSPICUUM, F. Mull. (Plate XI. fig. 2.) Lygosoma (Leloleplsma) Inconspicuum, F. Mull. Verh. nat. Ges. Basel, x. 1894, p. 837. Section Llolcplsma. Body rather elongate ; the distance between the end of the snout and the fore limb contained once and three-fifths in the distance between axilla and groin. Snout pointed. Lower eyelid with an undivided transparent disk. Nostril pierced in a single nasal; no supranasal; frontonasal broader than long, broadly in contact with the rostral and with the frontal; latter little longer than the frontoparietal, and in contact with the two anterior supraoculars ; four supraoculars, first and fourth longest; eight supraciliaries; frontoparietal single, longer than the interparietal ; parietals forming a suture behind the interparietal; three pairs of nuchals ; fifth upper labial below the centre of the eye. Ear-opening oval; smaller than the eye-opening; no auricular lobules. 22 smooth scales round the middle of the body; dorsals largest, especially the two median series. A pair of enlarged praeanals. The adpressed limbs fail to meet. Digits subcylindrical; subdigital lamellae smooth, 18 under the fourth toe. Grey above ; a dark brown lateral stripe along the head and body, narrow and faint on the head ; a few dark brown spots on the occiput and nape, one pair on the parietal shields and another on the nuchals; lower parts white, chin grey. mm. Total length 106 Head 10 Width of head 6 Body 40 Fore limb 11 Hind limb 15 Tail (reproduced) 56 A single specimen: Bone Mts., 3900 feet. 28. LYGOSOMA TEXTUM, F. Mull. (Plate XI. fig. 3.) Lygosoma (Leiolepisma) textum, F. Mull. Verh. nat. Ges. Basel, x. 1894, p. 838. Section Liolepisma. Body rather elongate, the distance between the end of the snout and the fore limb contained once and one-third to once and two-thirds in the distance between axilla and |