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Show 106 LORD WALSINGHAM ON [Jan. 19, West Indies, and the species recorded by Moschler is probably attenuatella, but as it is not described I am unable to identify it; there is, however, no reason for including gemmlferella in the West Indian fauna on such a slight and doubtful identification. 124. COSMOPTERYX SIMILIS, sp. n. Antennce smoky wdiite, with a broad darkish band before the apex preceded by a narrow black ring, the apex itself being black; these markings are all outlined in clear wrhite. Pcdpi shining white. Head and thorax greyish brown, with a central, and two lateral, slender whitish streaks. Fore wings greyish brown to fully half the wdng-length, a broad pale orange-yellow band preceding the greyish-brown apex and cilia, in which are a triangular clear white costal spot and a slender white line running through the apex; the pale orange space is oblique on its inner margin, and extends backwards a little on the costa, it is preceded by two golden metallic spots, one below the other beyond its middle, the latter being tipped with black; on its outer edge it sends forward a slight projection below the white costal spot into the brown apical portion, this projection being margined above and beneath by golden scales ; on the brown basal half of the wing are four slender white streaks, one along the dorsum, one commencing on the base at the costa and diverted very obliquely downwards a little beyond the base, and two intermediate straight streaks, of which the lower is longer than the upper and reaches nearly to the lower of the two metallic spots. Exp. al. 8-9 mm. Hind wings pale brownish grey ; cilia the same. Abdomen brownish ochreous. Legs whitish clouded with brown. Type, 3 Mus. Wlsm. Hab. West Indies-ST. CROIX, 3 V.-24 VI. (Gudmann, Hedemann, Pontoppldan); ST. THOMAS, 8 1II.-5 IV. (Gudmann). Five specimens. This species is very nearly allied to attenuatella, Wkr., but differs in the more oblique inner margin of tbe yellow transverse fascia, in the nearer approach to it of the lower streak on the basal patch, and in the broken metallic band which separates this from tbe fascia, which appears to encroach more considerably upon the dark apical portion of the wing. 125. COSMOPTERYX SANCTI-VINCENTI, Wlsm. Cosmopteryxsanctl-vlncentl,Y\/\sm. Pr. Z. Soc. Lond. 1891, 536-548 (1892)l. Hab. West Indies-ST. VINCENT1 ; G R E N A D A (Chantilly Estate, 350 ft., windward side, 13 IV.-H. H. Smith). 126. COSMOPTERYX ABNORMALIS, sp. n. Antennce blackish, speckled with white and biannulated with white before the apex, a silvery spot on the basal joint. Palpi whitish, shaded above with fuscous. Head dark slaty grey. |