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Show 552 MR. M. JACOBY ON T H E [May 18, strongly and closely punctured; the sulcus deep; elytra strongly punctate-striate, the interstices convex and clothed with yellowish pubescence. Length f line. Head smooth and impunctate, black, shining, wdth the usual oblique narrow grooves; antennae extending slightly beyond the middle of the elytra, flavous, the terminal joints slightly thickened, the third and fourth joints equal; thorax with the sides straight, slightly narrowed anteriorly, the anterior angles oblique, the basal margin produced in front of the scutellum; the basal sulcus straight and deep, the disc closely and strongly punctured, the base behind the sulcus rather more strongly so; elytral punctures strong and closely placed, the interstices costate and pubescent; underside and posterior femora black, the other legs and the posterior tibiae and tarsi fulvous. Hab. Madagascar, Diego-Suarez (Ch. Alluaud). This is the first species of Epitrlx known from Madagascar, and the second African one: it is closely allied to most of its European congeners and to E. Icevifrons, Weise, from Ashantee ; it differs from the last in the black, not dark rufous head, and iu the convex elytral interstices, as well as in the rather long yellowish pubescence of the latter. Weise mentions no pubescence in his species. EPITEIX INTEGRICOLLIS, n. sp. Black; the antennae, tibiae, and tarsi flavous ; thorax closely and strongly punctured, the base with a perpendicular groove; elytra finely punctate-striate, the interstices longitudinally pubescent. Length | line. Head impunctate, with the exception of a few punctures near the eyes, the oblique grooves distinct; carina rather broad; antennae extending to the middle of the elytra, flavous, the extreme apex of the last joint piceous, third and fourth joints very small, smaller than the second, terminal joints thickened; thorax transverse, the sides slightly rounded, forming an oblique angle near the apex, with the setiferous pore below the angle; the surface closely and finely punctured, without transverse sulcus, but with a short and rather obsolete perpendicular groove at each side of the basal margin, the latter but slightly produced and rounded in front of the scutellum; elytra with closely approached rows of moderately strong punctures, the interstices scarcely raised and impunctate, wdth rows of short, white pubescence; below black, sparingly pubescent and punctured ; femora more or less stained with black, the posterior ones entirely of that colour; tibiae and tarsi flavous. Hab. Mashonaland (67. Marshall). British Museum Collection and m y own. From most or all species of the genus the present one is distinguished by the v\ ant of a thoracic transverse sulcation, only |