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Show 1897.] FROM NORTH AUSTRALIA. 327 occiput and neck, almost obsolete in some, but more distinct in others. In the latter it reaches to between the white shoulder-markings. Eyelids black, hands and feet dark brownish grey. The lower side of the tail is greyish wrhite almost to the tip; the longer dark brown hairs are forming a brush chiefly on the upperside of its terminal third or fourth. A young from the pouch' (length 100 m m . without tail) is still almost naked; snout hairy. Teeth. Only one of the skulls at hand is from an adult specimen, its length is 100 mm., breadth 53 m m . It is a male, wdth the innermost molar fully developed and the persistent p4 functional. Another skull, a younger male, length 90 mm., breadth 46 mm., is in the stage where the persistent p4 is showing above the root of p3 and the milk p\ both of which are still present, but much worn. The first traces of TO4 are visible through the maxilla. The other skulls are all younger, with p3 and the milk p4 still in place. The milk p4 is broad, rather like a molar, but not so perfectly molar-like as is the case in P. concinna. Hab. Common in Arnhem Land in broken hilly country; also seen on the Victoria River. Native names : Petpungo, Doria. 20. ONYCHOGALE UNGUIFEBA (Gould), 1840. Onychogale ungulfera, Thos. Cat. Mars. Monotr. Brit. Mus. p. 74 (1888); Ogilby, Cat. Austral. M a m m . p. 48 (1892). N. Australia: Glencoe, Jan. 1895 (one specimen). N.W. Australia: Roebuck Bay, Feb. lst-20tb, 1896 (four specimens). Skull. Posterior palate (os palatlnum) sieve-like, with numerous vacuities ; a few holes in the maxillary part of the palate. None of the specimens are perfectly adult, the innermost molar not having reached its full height in any of them. Teeth. The persistent p4 is very small, with three very distinct cusps and deep notches between them. It is much like p3, but narrower in front. The milk p4 is unlike both, rather molar-like, but a little smaller than TO1. The youngest specimen, a female, length 92 mm., has both p3 and the milk^>4 functional. M4 has not yet appeared. The next specimen, also a female, length 93 mm., has p3 and the milk p4 functional in all jaws except in the upper left, where p3 has fallen out, and the persistent p4 is showing itself above the root of the milk p4; TO4 is half-developed. In two larger specimens, length from 97-101 mm., p4 is functional, but TO4 not yet fully up. Canines mostly present. Hah. In Arnhem Land this Kangaroo was only met with around Fountain Head and Glencoe; at Roebuck Bay, it was common amongst the Melaleuca scrubs on the edges of open plains. Native name : Korrabbal. |