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Show 130 LORD WALSINGHAM ON [Jan. 19, 69. CYDIA, Hb. Type, Tinea pomonclla, L. (Stph.). CYDIA, Hb. Verz. bek. Schm. 375 (1826); Stph. 111. Br. Ent,, Haust. IV. 119 (1834), 418 (1835). = CARPOCAPSA, Tr. Schm. Eur. VII. 231 (1829); Hein.; Stgr. & Wk. Cat.; Meyr. &c. Hiibner proposed the genus Cydia for the three species- pomonella, L. (=pomonana, Hb.), aspldlscana, Hb., and hohen-wartlana (Schiff.), Tr. (=monetulana, Hb.). Treitschke (Schm. Eur. VII. 231 [1829]) placed pomonella in his genus Carpocapsa, and (I. c. 232) aspldlscana and hohenwartlana in Grapholitha, One of these two genera must fall as a synonym of Cydia. Stephens (111. Br. Ent., Haust. IV. 119 [1834]), writing under the heading Carpocapsa, said :-" The three first species " (i. e. pomonella, splenclana, and grossana) "form the true Garpocapsce Treitschke- Ggdla of Hiibner." The only species common to Hiibner and Stephens, and which consequently was regarded as Hiibner's type, is pomonella, L. Stephens [I. c. 119-20 (1834), 418 (1835)] under Cydia includes both pomonella and aspldlscana; but he had already indicated that he did not regard aspidiscana as the type, and in List Br. An. B.M. X. Lp. 54 (1852), pomonella appears as the sole type of Cydia, the subsequent reference_ of aspldlscana to Cydia (I. c. 93) is ruled out, pomonella having already been constituted the type. 182. CYDIA? FLAVICOLLIS, sp. n. Antennce stone-grey. Palpi projecting slightly beyond the head, of uniform thickness throughout, the second joint not brush-like; canary-yellow. Head and face canary-yellow. Thorax stone-grey, anteriorly with a lilac iridescence extending over the tegulae. Fore icings stone-grey, with a slight lilac tinge along the costa nearly to its middle, beyond the middle obliquely banded with tawny fuscous and white, the latter appearing in about six wedge-shaped streaks of which the outer one is curved to the termen, reaching a slight indentation below the apex; an elongate tawny fuscous patch stands erect a little beyond the middle of the dorsum, its inner edge pale-margined ; it is terminated at its upper extremity by two short ochreous lines, which separate it at the upper edge of the cell from the first oblique costal shade; beyond this erect patch the lower two-thirds of the wing-surface are transversely streaked with silvery metallic, preceding a triangular patch of reddish ferruginous, extending upwards from the tornus along the^ termen, and slightly tinging the extreme apex; cilia shining silvery-grey. Underside strongly iridescent, with five white costal streaks showing through. Exp. al. 15 mm. Hind wings brownish fuscous; cilia pale bluish grey. Underside strongly iridescent. Abdomen dark leaden grey. Legs bone-whitish, tarsal joints banded with fuscous. |