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Show 62 LORD WALSINGHAM ON [JaD' 19' 62 (1875)4j Mschl. Ab. Senck. Nat. Ges. XV..346,354 (1890)\ Orneodes eudactyla, Wlsm. Pr. Z. Soc. Lond. 1891, 4J6, 54. (1892)3. 2 3 Hab. COLOMBIA1-3; BRAZIL1'3. West Indies-PORTORICO - . II. TINEINA. I. ^GERIADiE. Although I quite agree with Mr. Meyrick as to the location of this family, I am not at present sufficiently acquainted with its literature'to attempt to give a complete list of the West-Indian species. There are probably many other species known beside the following:- 8. SESIA, F. 19. SESIA CUBANA, HS. Sesia cubana, HS. C.B., Z.M. Ver. Regensb. (sep.) 28 (1865) \ Hab. West Indies-CUBA \ II. GELECHIAD^E. 9. BRACHMIA, Hb. =.-\BRACLUNIA, Stph. (laps. cal.). = § CLADODES, Hein. = JEUDODACLES, Snell. BRACHMIA, Meyr. (nee Stgr. Cat.). 20. BRACHMIA? EULVIDELLA, sp. n. Antennce dull ochreous. Palpi dull ochreous, the second and apical joints each with a tawny-reddish shade externally. Head and thorax whitish ochreous. Fore wings whitish ochreous, variable in the colour and quantity of their shading ; a female in good condition (which I select as the type) having a tawny-reddish suffusion extending from the base nearly to the termen, around which is a row of six elongate fuscous spots, the pale groundcolour appearing also in a narrow streak along the base of the fold and in a streak along the discal cell, in which are two fuscous blotches, the larger before, the smaller one beyond the middle ; cilia whitish ochreous, with a slight vinous gloss, especially around their tips. (In other specimens the dorsal half of the wing is almost entirely whitish ochreous, the reddish suffusion being confined to the costal and apical portions.) Exp. al. 15 mm. Hind wings pale greyish ; cilia with a slight ochreous tinge. Abdomen yellowish grey. Legs pale ochreous. Tgpe, 3 2 Mus. Wlsm. Hab. West Indies - ST. THOMAS, 9 III.-20 IV. (Gudmann, Hedemann). Six specimens. |