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Show 802 REPTILES AND BATRACniANS FROM N. NYASALAND. [June 15, beneath ; a series of small blackish, white-edged spots on each side of the head, from the nostril to the ear. Total length 658 millim.; head 20; width of head 13; fore limb 7 ; hind limb 15 ; tail 395. A single specimen from the Nyika Plateau. This new species is closely related to Bocage's Eumecla anchletce from Angola, and represents a further step in the degradational series of the section Biopa. GrLYPHOLYCUS WHYTII, sp. n. (Plate XLVI. fig. 2.) Head small, scarcely distinct from neck; eye rather small. Bostral twice as broad as deep, hardly visible from above ; internasals a little longer than broad, a little shorter than the prefrontals, narrowed in front; frontal bell-shaped, once and oue third as long as broad, as long as its distance from the end of the snout, shorter than the parietals ; nasal divided ; loreal longer than deep ; praeocular single or divided, not reaching the frontal; two postoculars ; temporals 14-2, anterior narrowly in contact with lower postocular; eight upper labials, fourth and fifth entering the eye ; two pairs of equal chin-shields, the anterior in contact with four lower labials. Scales in 19 rows. Ventrals 163 ; anal entire; subcaudals 47. Uniform dark olive-grey above, yellowish white beneath and on the outer series of scales. Total length 565 millim.; tail 100. A single specimen from Fort Hill. ARTHROLEPTIS WHYTII, sp. n. (Plate XLVI. fig. 3.) Tongue with a conical median papilla. Head moderate, broader than long; snout rounded, as long as the eye, with obtuse canthus; nostril a little nearer the end of the snout than the eye ; interorbital space broader than the upper eyelid ; tympanum very distinct, two thirds the diameter of the eye. First and second fingers equal, more than half as long as third •] toes free ; tips of fingers and toes slightly swollen; subarticular tubercles well developed; a very large, compressed, sharp-edged, crescentic inner metatarsal tubercle. The tibio-tarsal articulation reaches the tympanum or the posterior border of the eye. Skin smooth, granulate on the flanks and belly. Grey or pale brown above, with or without a dark, festooned median dorsal band or a fine light vertebral line ; a blackish-brown band on the canthus rostralis and temple ; lips with small black and white spots ; a small dark brown lumbar spot may be present; limbs with or without rather indistinct dark cross-bars ; lower parts uniform white. From snout to vent 40 millim. Five specimens: Kondowe to Karonga, Nyika Plateau, Masuku Mts. |