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Show 1897.] WEST-INDIAN MICRO-LEPIDOPTERA. 89 = MDIA, Dp. (1836) ; = CHALYBE, Dp. (1836) ; =Azims, Wkr. (1863). 80. ETHMIA CONEUSELLA, Wkr. = STRIG0SELLA, Wkl".5 ; 11. Syn. =INGRICELLA, Mschl. Hyponomeuta confusellus, Wkr. Cat. Lp. Ins. B. M . XXVIII. 531 (1863)1. Cryptolechia strlgosella, Wkr. Cat. Lp. Ins. B. M. X X I X . 710 (1864)2. Psecadla ingricella, Mschl. Ab. Senck. Nat. Ges. X V . 343, 354, (Pl.) fig. 19 (1890) 3. Psecadla (Crgptolechia) strlgosa, Ckrl. Jr. Inst. Jamaica, I. 33 (1891) '. Psecadla confusella, Wlsm. Pr. Z. Soc. Lond. 1891, 527, 546 (1892)\ Psecadla Ingricella, Wlsm. Pr. Z. Soc. Lond. 1891, 527, 546 (1892) 6. Hab. West Indies-CUBA (Tring Mus.): JAMAICA4 5 ' 6 , 19-21 VII.; H A Y T I (Port-au-Prince, excl. 6 V I . - Gudmann); SAN D O M I N G O 1 ' 2 ' 3 ; P O R T O R I C O 3 6 ; ST. C R O I X , 6 V. (Gudmann); DOMINICA 5; G R E N A D A (windward side, Balthazar, 250 ft. 5-30 IV.; leeward side, Mount Gay Estate, 300 ft., 1-5 X.-H. H. Smith). COLOMBIA-Bogota 5. 81. ETHMIA SUBSIMILIS, sp. n. Antennce stout; dull greyish cinereous. Palpi smooth, recurved to the vertex, the apical joint shorter than the second ; dirty whitish, with a greyish spot externally near the end of each joint. Head and thorax smoky whitish. Fore wings smoky whitish, wdth greyish-fuscous spots; a broken greyish-fuscous shade extends from near the base to beyond the middle of the costa, a series of spots and shades of a 'similar colour extending from before the middle of the costa to the dorsum beyond its middle in an outwardly curved and broken line; between this and the base are about ten greyish-fuscous spots irregularly scattered along and below the fold, two near the base on either side of the fold being somewhat darker than the others; beyond the fasciaform central shade are several ill-defined greyish-fuscous markings above and below the outer end of the cell, followed by a marginal series of about six rather darker spots not extending along the base of the costal cilia ; a greyish-fuscous shade runs along the middle of the smoky-whitish cilia. Exp. al. 15 m m . Hind wings pale stone-grey, somewhat darkened towards their outer extremities ; cilia smoky whitish. Abdomen stone-grey. Hind tlblce smoky whitish, somewhat speckled and shaded. Type, 3 Mus. Wlsm." Hah. West Indies-JAMAICA, 17 VII. (Cockerell). Unique. This species differs from Ethmia confusella, Wkr., in the shape of tbe fore wings, which are somewhat squarer at the apex; the series of marginal dots do not revert along the costa as in that species, and, moreover, the spots and shades, although of the same colour, are not conspicuously arranged longitudinally, which is one of the csiozmep eitl limsea,dr pkteeord rh eafgpeaasrt,du reaevsse nao f s mtahlel e nrfu omtrehmra ono ufIs nW gafrloikrcemers'l oslf as, pt ehMcasitce hsi.ln .se,c tw.h iIchn I am |